what does TCER Listing (Live) report show
I cannot get this report to show any data. What I do is
- create a Test Plan,
- a Test Case,
- assign the Test Case to the Test Plan,
- create a Test Scrip
- assign it to the Test Case
- run the Test Case from the Test Plan, creating the TCER in the fly
- go through the Test Script and mark it as passed
all the artifacts have an owner assigned.
The TCER Listing live report always shows "no records returned", even if I select all the possible parameter values. For the Points Category parameter I select "Passed"
I cannot get this report to show any data. What I do is
- create a Test Plan,
- a Test Case,
- assign the Test Case to the Test Plan,
- create a Test Scrip
- assign it to the Test Case
- run the Test Case from the Test Plan, creating the TCER in the fly
- go through the Test Script and mark it as passed
all the artifacts have an owner assigned.
The TCER Listing live report always shows "no records returned", even if I select all the possible parameter values. For the Points Category parameter I select "Passed"
Accepted answer
Make sure that TCERs have test plan associated. Also, as a test, try choosing only test plan in the parameter list and nothing else, so that it won't filter on other attributes. I have seen problems when selecting all values for parameter like "machine" which results in report returning empty data.
You are exactly right, removing the Test Machine parameter selection makes the report run fine. Adding it back makes it display "no records" again.
This looks like a defect to me.
Created https://jazz.net/jazz02/web/projects/Rational%20Quality%20Manager#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWorkItem&id=87590