Associate Work Item is not showing Current work item from different project
I am doing a checkin/deliver and have a precondition set to require associating with a work item. This works. Problem is the search box for work items only includes work items from the project I am delivering to. We do all planning in one project while storing our code in various branch projects. Weird thing is I can CREATE a work item in a different project but can't seem to select an existing one from a different project. I even have a work item set as Current (Eclipse lower right) and it does not show up for selection. I have unchecked "Show my assignments only" and checked "Show resolved" to be sure I am not missing anything.
2 answers
Next to the search box, there should be a drop down to select the project area.
Select the project area where the workitem is created and click search; it should populate the desired workitem.
Best Regards
Well, I discovered part of the problem. If you right-click on a change set and select "Related Artifacts / Associate Work Item", then you do indeed get the handy dialog box that includes the project dropdown. If, like most developers, you go to deliver your code and are prompted to select (or create) a work item to associate it to, you get the above dialog box that does NOT have the handy project dropdown. Not sure why there are two different dialogs for performing the same thing, but I am guessing the one shown above is older and needs to be replaced with the new one. I searched for a work item on that but could not find one, so I created one:
Enhancement 266247
Enhancement 266247