Ability to in a query to see links
Is there an ability in RTC, to query a work item and see all the child work items associated with the parent. I played around with this and don't see how to do it. For example, I have one parent work item with many nested work items underneath. I want to see that work item and everything with the status that is not "accepted" How could I see this in one query. Querying now off summary and status but that only gives me the parent work item. Any suggestions?
One answer
As far as I know you can only see the next level of child work items in queries. There are also limits in what the built in query capability allows, especially when traversing links. There are several work items open to create more sophisticated selection criteria.
In the Web UI the result is one column for the parent and links to the direct children where you can hover. In the Eclipse client the children can be expanded and you can drill down.
In the Web UI the result is one column for the parent and links to the direct children where you can hover. In the Eclipse client the children can be expanded and you can drill down.