scm login HTTP 500 error
Executing for the first time in the OMVS command line the " scm login " we get: Problem running 'login':
Could not log in to https://tcp32:9443/jazz as user IBMSW03: CRJAZ0098I The service "" failed.
The server returned the http error 500 with error text "Internal Server Error".
Examine any further details here or look in the server log files for more information on how to resolve the issue.
This is the check done to try to find any information about this problem:
No informations in the jazz.log.
No log files in the scmtools/eclipse/configuration/ directory.
In the WAS Sysout BBOO0220E: SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception thrown in one of the service methods of the servlet: equinoxbridgeservlet.
Could not log in to https://tcp32:9443/jazz as user IBMSW03: CRJAZ0098I The service "" failed.
The server returned the http error 500 with error text "Internal Server Error".
Examine any further details here or look in the server log files for more information on how to resolve the issue.
This is the check done to try to find any information about this problem:
No informations in the jazz.log.
No log files in the scmtools/eclipse/configuration/ directory.
In the WAS Sysout BBOO0220E: SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception thrown in one of the service methods of the servlet: equinoxbridgeservlet.