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New trial key

Balwant Rajju (3121) | asked Dec 08 '08, 8:10 a.m.

Is is possible to get a new Standard server trial key. This is for a client PoC

Client has setup a Standard server only last week but for some reason the the license has expired? Not sure whats going on here.

They used repotools to import a customised project could that be the cause??

17:38:26,781 WARN

- CRJAZ1299I The server license expired on Sun Nov 02 14:21:53 IS

T 2008. The server's data will be available in read-only mode. You can install

a permanent license to enable writing again.



One answer

permanent link
Balwant Rajju (3121) | answered Dec 08 '08, 8:37 a.m.

I have found the temp trial keys. all sorted



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