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How to automatically generate an approval when a work item's state changes?

One answer

i am not clear about the second part, do you wish to have multiple approvals as a precondition prior to assignment by scrum master?
to reach the Approval Trackings :
Open PA in Eclipse Client > Process Configuration Tab > Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Work Items > Approval Trackings

Thank you for your answer. Is there a way to automatically generate an approval to be approved by the Product Manager once a story is created? Similarly, can a state change generate an approval for someone to sign off on (I know that an approval can generate a state change, but my case is the reverse of that)

so to address the default approval, you could explore work item templates.
create a sample work item with the specific approval already added
create a template using the work item with the approval
create subsequent work items using this template
below link about work item templates gives detailed steps on creating and using template to create new work items with specific pre-poulated field values:
if Product Manager here is name of a role with multiple project members taking up that role, you could create one work item template per specific member.
not the cleanest of solutions but something to start with...
for state change adding approvals, i don't see a direct way... i would have suggested to check attribute customizations but don't see approvals listed as one of the fields that can be safely read or written to... but you could give a deeper look into : https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/AttributeCustomization#Script_based_calculated_values