CCM menus not available in Functional Testing perspective

I have CLM 4.0.1 installed on Windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise, database is SQL Server. RFT version 8.0.
If this questions has been already anwered please point me in the right direction.
Test team wants to use RTC as version control repository for automated test scripts executed in RFT. New test scripts are created in Eclipse Functional Testing Perspective. In this perspective testers are not seeing RTC context menus such as Check In, Deliver, Accept etc. To get RTC menus testers need to switch to Java perspective. Is there a plug-in available that allows integration of RFT version 8 with RTC 4.0.1 ?
Any help is appreciated.
One answer

Hi NP,
Make sure the users followed the instructions in the RFT infocenter here:
For RFT to pick up Jazz or CCRC (for clearcase) as the source control provider the file in the RFT install needs to be edited to change the value from:
Make sure the users followed the instructions in the RFT infocenter here:
For RFT to pick up Jazz or CCRC (for clearcase) as the source control provider the file in the RFT install needs to be edited to change the value from:
## =========================
## CM type property
## =========================
## default = NATIVE_CC; CCRC
## =========================
## CM type property
## =========================
## default = NATIVE_CC; CCRC