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Finding locks in RRC

Stephen Toop (11112223) | asked Apr 18 '13, 5:40 a.m.

Using RRC 4.0.1
From time to time we find that locks are left on RRC artifacts by users if they crash the browser or shutdown their desktops without first saving the artifacts.

Is there a way to find which artifacts are currently locked in RRC - and by whom?

Right now I am going through folders to see if any lock icons are present and then trying to edit the artifact to discover who has the lock.

Stephen Toop

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Apr 18 '13, 9:05 a.m.
As far as I'm aware in 4.0.1 your approach is the best available.

We've made a lot of progress in the area of locking in the release currently under development.  If you were to download and play with 4.0.3 M3 (which is latest interim release available here on as I write this) you will find that the locking model has been improved in general (see the New & Noteworthy page for details). I believe it's now possible to filter on lock state using the normal filtering and view mechanisms, but this isn't mentioned in the N&N page.

Daniel Moul commented Apr 19 '13, 7:13 a.m.

Update: I see that development work for lock filtering and sorting is happening in M4 -- that's why it's not in the M3 New & Noteworthy.

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