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Is pie chart available for numeric measures in JRS 6.0.3?

Kenji Sarai (96029) | asked Sep 15 '16, 10:43 p.m.
Hi everyone,

I am evaluating the JRS features in (Assuming it is 6.0.3 at this moment). I notice that the pie chart option is not available (does not appear) in Format Results graph preview feature if I select "Add lines or bar segments from numeric measure" for Y axis. Pie chart option is available if I select "Count value of a single attribute" and nothing selected for Dimension. In my local JRS 6.0.2, pie chart option is always selectable regardless of the graph format. Is this the new limitation since JRS 6.0.3? If so, let me know why it is removed. I believe numeric measures in pie chart is quite useful feature and should not be removed.

Here are what I select:
Artifact type: Requirement
Project: All projects which have Requirement type
Default settings for other "Format Data"
Add attribute "Ranking" or "Time" for numeric calculation in "Format results"


Kenji Sarai commented Sep 16 '16, 2:54 a.m.

Please note I am using "Data warehouse" data source, and "Current data" report type.

2 answers

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Steven Shaw (55113) | answered Sep 16 '16, 9:11 a.m.
 Hello Kenji,

Yes it is available but only if you're visualizing one dimension.  If you change the "Group by" section above to "none", then Pie chart will become available.



Kenji Sarai commented Sep 19 '16, 2:28 a.m.

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your answer. Yes, pie chart is available if I set "none" for X axis. However, in this case, there is no dimension or Group by attribute (but just one measure). How to make a pie chart without any dimension or Group by attribute?

I select "Add lines or bar segments from numeric measure" for Y axis, and select one of numeric attributes (measure).

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Nirmal Jha (23110) | answered Oct 28 '16, 10:52 a.m.
edited Oct 28 '16, 2:40 p.m.
Hi Steve,
I went through the post above and on setting Group Data by Attribute to  "None" , I still do not see the color selection in the legend.
Is it an issue with JRS v6.0.2 that has been addressed by v6.0.3 ?
Please let me know.

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