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Linking Comments to changes in doc

Amy Tennent (133) | asked Jun 04 '12, 11:17 a.m.

Linking Comments to changes in doc

I have the following scenario, someone reviews doc and makes a comment that requires doc update. I am looking for a way to track the document update to the comment. So when I reply to the comment and indicate doc is updated I can but a link in the reply to the update in the doc.  Basically, I would like to link comment reply to a change history record in the doc.

2 answers

permanent link
William Andreas (136) | answered Jun 04 '12, 11:32 a.m.
I think this is a reasonable request for enhancement as is the related case where you want to require someone add an explanatory comment when they make a document update (in one case you tie an existing comment to a document update, in the other case you require adding a comment as part of the document update).

I'm not sure how we'd structure this (particularly for non-textual artifacts), but I think it would be a valuable feature.  I suggest you open an enhancement request against RRC for this feature.

permanent link
Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Jun 05 '12, 9:46 a.m.
When you have updated a document, if you open the artifact history in the browser URL address bar you will see a revision # at the end of the address, I am wondering if you copy the entire URL,  and then paste that in your comment reply whether that might help?

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