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Suspicion Attribute in RRDI

Manoj Panda (39346762) | asked Apr 13 '13, 7:18 a.m.
retagged Apr 22 '13, 3:27 p.m. by Douglas Bush (28125)
I am planning to create a Traceability Matrix Report using RRDI using suspicion as one of the attribute. As you know Requirements linked up to Test Cases and in case there is any change in the requirements then Test case may need to change. For that I have created the Suspicion profiles and attached to the project. I am getting the perfect view which is attached here.
Can I able to create a report using RRDI. I am not able to get the suspicion attribute in RRDI ????

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Petroula Pantazopoulos (36612) | answered Jul 15 '13, 5:25 p.m.
 Hello,  it's not available in the out of the box model, but if REST provides the information and if you are using Insight, you can customize your deployment and include it for reporting.

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