DM 4.0.2: "Manage Project Properties" is gone?
I created a "Basic" DM project with the ID having RSA Designer license plus RQM, RTC and RM licenses.
However, I can not find the "Manage Project Properties" item on the "Administration" menu of the DM project dashboard. I only see "Manage this project area" etc.
Instead of seeing "Manage Project Properties", I now see "Manage Project Link Types" on the "Administration" menu. This only happens to DM 4.0.2. In DM 4.0.1, I see "Manage Project Properties".
I need to use the "Manage Project Properties" to create configuration space. Is it moved to another menu place? Or is this a known problem?
DM 4.0.2 is used with embedded tomcat and derby.
Thanks and regards
Accepted answer
Hi Frank,
The two different project property editors have been merged into one. All the capabilities that used to be on manage project properties are now available in the project area editor page. Its actually quite a bit simpler to create a project with its configuration space and set its domains.
The configuration space property is now available on the Design Domain tab in the project area editor.
The two different project property editors have been merged into one. All the capabilities that used to be on manage project properties are now available in the project area editor page. Its actually quite a bit simpler to create a project with its configuration space and set its domains.
The configuration space property is now available on the Design Domain tab in the project area editor.