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How do you 'retire' enumeration values in RTC.

6 answers

In the eclipse UI, I can go to the Enumerations in the project configuration and set one to Archive. It is reflected in the XML source as "archived=true".
In this way, they remain in the existing work items but cannot be used again.


I hear you. Same issue here.. this is the only alternative currently..
you would have to change to the database hosted Enums, but they aren't supported in Shared project templates, and are completely hosted in the database, including the definitions, and there is no mechanism to convert existing xml based enums to database hosted enums.

Sam - is there an active enhancement request around this feature? We are using enumerated lists to associate a work item with an IT funded project; a funded project only has a shelf life of 3-6 months. It won't be long before the z_s outweigh the active codes...
There is a a feature in 4.0 to pull an enumerated list from an external source, right? Does that provide any help?

Enumerations sourced from database provide for archiving values. this feature was released in version 4.0.
but, if you use the static attributes from the project area process config, those are not archivable.

Is there a simple way to switch from static attributes sourced from project to database sourced enumerations?

Thanks Sam. It sounds like db enumerated lists are the long-term answer.
One method which might work for awhile in the 3.x realm is to make the enumerated list dependent on another field. For example, we might do something like set a Project date field defaulted to the current list (2H2013) and update the default twice a year. the updated default date (1H2014) would give us a chance to scrub the enumerated list. Of course the enumeration itself will grow unbounded, but the end-users would not be exposed.