RTC 4.0.1 - JTS. CCM, QM - can I get another trail license for QM?
We installed RTC 4.0.1 with JTS, CCM and QM and are licensed for and using JTS and CCM. We had wanted to explore using QM as well but ran out of time before the trial license expired. Can I just get another 60 or 90 day trial license for QM so we can evaluate it? We have the time to do it now.
2 answers
Hi Donald,
Someone else asked a similar question in this post: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/105436/clm-401-client-access-license-type.
According to the answer, it sounds like you can get another trial license.
Someone else asked a similar question in this post: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/105436/clm-401-client-access-license-type.
According to the answer, it sounds like you can get another trial license.
I have laready downloaded and installed via IM the products mention - some time ago. I used the Installation Manager Repositories to do the initial install. That repository contained the original trial licenses. So how would I just acquire new trial licenses for QM? Do I need to pull down a new IM repository?
Hi Donald,
I wasn't sure where to go to get a new trial license, so I forwarded your question to several other developers. I finally received a response today, and I learned that after your first trial license expires, you cannot use a new one.
Apparently the response in the forum post that I mentioned on 15 March was incorrect. You cannot get another trial license. I apologize for the delay in this response.