install license issue seen when not an issue on 3.0.1

Hello World.
I had a previously installed version of the CLM on 3.0.1. We had a problem with the DB and decided to reinstall on a new server.
When I tried to use one of our licenses I got this error message
I was prefviously able to install this licence before and use within 3.0.1 Any ideas?
Accepted answer

CLM 3.0.1 only uses the v3 licenses. It does not use the v2 licenses (the one in particular specified above is for RQM 2.x and is actually not even needed in this case). Everything the v2 license would have enabled (if CLM 3.0.1 accepted the license) is already enabled with your v3 license. This is what the message was trying to convey.
RQM should function just fine with v3 license you already applied.
RQM should function just fine with v3 license you already applied.