Modified By, Modified Date and History
I am trying to figure out how the Modified Date and Modified By attributes link to the History tab. I have noticed that the attributes come standard in all types of work items however are not visible when looking at the WebUI or the Eclipse Client. I know they are filled automatically and would like to understand how they link to the History? Is the history tab just pulling out the information from these attributes and presenting it in the readable format? If not, how does the link work? Thanks
Accepted answer
Hi Tom,
from looking into the API I know that the modified Date and the modified by are properties of the work item. You can access them directly. They are also accessible as attributes. The history tab however is computed. The work item changes and the states are kept in the database. The history tab computes the history from the states of the work item over time, as far as I can tell. I have however not yet tried what data is available on a historical state.
from looking into the API I know that the modified Date and the modified by are properties of the work item. You can access them directly. They are also accessible as attributes. The history tab however is computed. The work item changes and the states are kept in the database. The history tab computes the history from the states of the work item over time, as far as I can tell. I have however not yet tried what data is available on a historical state.
One other answer
Hello Tom,
not sure my answer will be exactly what you're looking for, but trying anyway.
I checked the Eclipse client code -
and particularly the HistoryLogItem[] getHistory(IProgressMonitor monitor)
1 - we ask the WorkItemRepositoryService to compute the history
(which returns a sorted Array of changes)
2 - we iterate through all ChangeLogDTO and resolve the information:
Hope it helps
not sure my answer will be exactly what you're looking for, but trying anyway.
I checked the Eclipse client code -
and particularly the HistoryLogItem[] getHistory(IProgressMonitor monitor)
1 - we ask the WorkItemRepositoryService to compute the history
(which returns a sorted Array of changes)
2 - we iterate through all ChangeLogDTO and resolve the information:
- modified by - we get the contributor from UUID3 - we create a HistoryLogItem from this information to populate the history
- modified date
Hope it helps