Why does my new Follow Up Action not show up in my Project Area?
Accepted answer
5 other answers
Checked the ccm.log and found no errors related to the deployed plugins
I found an error in the ccm.log that I overlooked because the error only occurs when the server is started:
Your update site is probably broken. Or some IDs don't match.
Component for the Follow Up Action appears with no errors. Checked the Build tab found the plugin.xml checked.
Hard to tell with so few information. If you have a component in a plugin and the extension in another, I would assume the deployment is missing files. I typically check the JAR files for their content using 7zip in cases like that. If it runs in Jetty and does not in Tomcat but showing up as a component, it is a deployment issue - missing files in 90% of the cases. I would check the CCM log file and check the JAR's. You could check to export all files in the build.xml's for the first step. Delete all generated files in the update site project and repackage, redeploy again, including request reset. Run an extra Eclipse client to check if you can configure the extension.
then restart the CCM server
Flushed the plugin and then restarted the server, but the Follow Up Action is still not visible.
and you restarted eclipse.. sometimes this is also required..(I don't have a repeatable scenario)
and you looked in the ccm log on the server too, right?
Sam, I ran into something recently, that I can also not explain. I connected with my Eclipse that I use to develop the participant to the project area on the test server I launched from it. The plugin was there, but the configuration from Eclipse did not work correctly - I saw old schema versions. I finally started a new Eclipse2 launch and there it worked.
Ralph, the RTC client caches schema version information from the server. The assumption is that the schemas from the server don't normally change out from under the client in a production scenario. You have to restart the client to re-fetch the schemas.
Thanks Jared. I meant the comment rather as a warning to other users not to do what I did.
1.I am also having component registration in one plugin and extension service in another plugin.
I have extracted the jar and veriified and no file is found missing.
I have no clue where I am making mistake.
Also in my service extension plugin, am having "asynchronous task extension". Please help me out.
I have also given unique component ids. Please suggest me some solution.
and you are sure the server side is loaded properly?
the server log file shows no errors..
did you restart both server and client in clean mode?
client is eclipse -clean
I had a couple cases where I forgot to add the runtime dependancies to the new service plugin.xml, so my service failed.
yes am getting error in ccm.log
[ Launch callback handler] WARN eam.repository.provision.internal.ProvisionService - CRJZS0383W Failed to resolve the bundle "abc".
and along with this bundle am having two other common components, that is getting loaded perfectly ! And i could not see any other errors.
I have added the sysout in Activator class but am not getting any printed outputs, since am facing the issue,
[ Launch callback handler] WARN eam.repository.provision.internal.ProvisionService - CRJZS0383W Failed to resolve the bundle "abc".
can you show us your plugin.xml and your manifest.mf file info?
Hi thanks for your replies.
I had a dependecny "com.jcraft.jsch", which i was missing, this caused the issue in deploying.
Now its getting successfully deployed. And my sysout in Activator class also getting printed. Bundle is getting started.
But In client its not showing up in "follow-up" action. Still its showing as "0".
No error in ccm.log.
have you restarted the client? many times the client caching prevents seeing new configuration items.
also, was the plugin defined to be an advisor or follow action in its Plugin.XML?
name="test actions"
or for advisors
Have you performed the CCM server reset ? Refer to Sam's first post in this thread.
he said above that he now sees his system.out.println from the activator class on the server command window.
Thank you so much Sam for your support, finally its done ! deployed and its showed up in client !.
i have given "operationID" wrongly !.