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What happens if I change my rtc user's password while my jbe is running and don't update the encrypted password file right away?

I started my jbe and it successfully connected to the rtc server and has been running for many days. Then I changed my user's password but did not update the encrypted password file right away. Will the jbe keep running okay forever? I know that if I restart the jbe, the encrypted password file contents must contain the correct password or else the connection will fail with an authentication error. But as long as I don't restart my jbe, will it continue indefinitely or will there be a time when it will attempt to reauthenticate and fail because it still has the old password?
One answer

I think the JBE will have authentication errors. But I'm not sure. It has been a while, but if I remember correctly, it was standard procedure to stop all JBEs before changing a password.
But I do know that if your builds use any of the build toolkit Ant tasks to report results, then you need to update your password file. Those Ant tasks authenticate with the repository independently from the JBE, so all the password information needs to be correct.