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How can I access RQM project to view RQM defect 79350?

Frank Ning (50025119133) | asked Feb 16 '13, 12:57 a.m.


I was given the following URL to look at the work item 79350. However, I am not able to open the URL. I queried the RTC work item 79350, which is certainly not what I am looking for. The one I need to view has more than 49 comments as told.

Is that internal to IBM only? Or I need to request access? If so, how?

If the following URL can be read only by IBM Rational support, I may have to ask Rational support to copy/paste information for me. Appreciate if someone (Rational team) can let me know whether that is the case.

Thanks and regards

Accepted answer

permanent link
Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185201) | answered Feb 16 '13, 10:52 p.m.
 Like this?:

Speaks about QM warehouse jobs & OAuth....

If you go to "Report a bug" and choose Quality Manager ( you don't have to complete the entry ) you can do a quick search to find work items.
Frank Ning selected this answer as the correct answer

Frank Ning commented Feb 17 '13, 8:55 a.m.

Thanks a lot, Kevin. It works.

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