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Forum is quirky...

Peter Osborne (2921719) | asked Feb 11 '13, 4:09 p.m.

When I post an answer it doesn't work unless I first try to enter a comment.  Of course the comment will get an invalid request popup.

Advanced search capabilities would be appreciated.  multi tag searches, combo tag, question, user searches.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Spencer Griffin (41126) | answered Feb 11 '13, 5:04 p.m.
I will try to address your concerns.  What browser are you using? Are you seeing any javascript errors when you try to enter a comment? Is this happening only on certain questions, or all the time?

Advanced search is available; we need to do a better job of making it more visible. Currently, if you do a search, on the results page you should see a link at the top called "Advanced search options". Clicking this will show you how to do the types of searches you are looking for.
Peter Osborne selected this answer as the correct answer

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