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Which of my questions has no accepted answer yet?

Frank Schophuizen (19323226) | asked Aug 07 '14, 8:28 a.m.
edited Aug 07 '14, 9:25 a.m.
In the forum I can show my questions, but I cannot see which questions I have already marked with an Accepted Answer. How can I find out which of my questions have not been marked with an Accepted Answer yet?

I don't want to go through all my questions every time!

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Frank Schophuizen (19323226) | answered Aug 07 '14, 9:27 a.m.
I found it: Go to the Forum front page > My profile
At the bottom there is a list of asked questions. Questions with accepted answers are marked.

Frank Schophuizen commented Aug 12 '14, 7:42 a.m.

@rschoon: Ralph, can you flag this answer as "Accepted Answer"?

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