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Help needed with opening service request/PMR online

SUNIL KUURAM (6431923) | asked Mar 05 '13, 11:19 a.m.
retagged May 25 '13, 4:20 p.m. by Scott Rich (57136)


I hear the message that says "open PMR online on" everytime I call IBM-SERV to raise PMR. When I login, I don't see any eligible products to raise PMR though I see the customer number in my profile. I was asked to contct I got no response after several emails. IBM-SERV have no comment on this!

Not sure how to go from here. Please help.



Accepted answer

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Rajesh Avanthi (10815145173) | answered Mar 05 '13, 11:39 a.m.

Depending on the region you work, Send your support request to one of the following addresses:

Your e-mail will be processed manually, to make sure that it reaches the most appropriate Technical Support Engineer.
  • Use the subject line to give a very brief description of your issue
  • In the body of your e-mail, state your ICN and give more details about your issue, including information about your environment and the version of the Rational tools that you are using.

Hope this info helps

SUNIL KUURAM selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Dominic Franklin (6) | answered Mar 18 '13, 1:55 p.m.
Thanks, Rajesh.

@Sunil, may be we should get you setup with SR. It is rather very simple.
Would like me to setup something in way that we can walk you through this?
Let me know.

I took the liberty to forward your request to someone who may reach out to you on this.

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