RTC 4.0.1 Formal Project Plan - as a developer how do I get a list of my planned work items in planned date order?
2 answers
Hi Donald,
One option is to run the query Open assigned to me in the Eclipse client. Then click the pencil icon to edit the query. Click on the Column Display tab. Add the Planned For field in the columns section. In the sorting section, add the Planned for field. I think this sorts alphabetically rather than by date of the Iteration.
One option is to run the query Open assigned to me in the Eclipse client. Then click the pencil icon to edit the query. Click on the Column Display tab. Add the Planned For field in the columns section. In the sorting section, add the Planned for field. I think this sorts alphabetically rather than by date of the Iteration.
Planned For does not help. He wants the Planned Start and/or Planned End dates from the plan. You can't run queries and have them display Planned Start or End date data from the plan. Thus the 'Open assigned to me' query that is the basis of so many things in RTC, is useless for most Formal Projects. Also the whole model of the developer part of the RTC plugin for VS and Eclipse suffer from this same thing. The views where you see your current work ordered by Start/End Date can't be created and organizing them by the default Agile queries and info is useless.
You have to create custom views on your plans or modify the existing views (not recommended).
We've created three:
Developer View - Displays the task, planned start date, planned end date, and status. Grouped by resource. Sorted by Planned Time.
Task status by resource - Displays the task, Priority, Time Spent, Estimate, Corrected Estimate, Planned Start Date, Planned End Date, Status. Grouped by resource. Sorted by Planned Time.
Project task status - Displays the task, Owner, Time Spent, Estimate, Corrected Estimate, Planned Start Date, Planned End Date, Status. Ungrouped. Sorted by Planned Time.
Developers can use the Developer View, collapse all, and then expand just their section to see their work and dates.
Leads for the different tasks can use 'Task status by resource' along with the filter text box to search for all tasks with names matching their sub-project. (We prepend all of the tasks in a sub-project with the same names, like 'Section 1.1'). Then those leads can see the overall status of their sub-project along with the dates.
Then from an overall project level, the 'Project task status' view is used to see all of the work planned for the next week or so and easily see what work may be at risk or behind schedule (based on the planned end dates).
This system is far from ideal and we expected much better support for Formal Projects from RTC when we purchased it. We are still struggling with learning how to use the RRDI, BIRT, and APIs to get the actual information that we need since RTC does not display it. There is a lot of frustration from management that they put all of this data into the system and that RTC does not give us what we need out of the box.
So we at least have 'something' workable atm, but there is a lot of grumbling and frustration. This includes developers who have to actually go to the Plans for all of the releases that they are working on to find their work. They can't just run a query which shows something like 'Open assigned to me with a Planned End Date of this week'.
If you know a better way of doing this, please let us know.