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How to use lscm changeset locate?

Andy Jewell (24236274) | asked Jul 07 '14, 8:11 p.m.
edited Aug 05 '16, 3:38 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
I think I know what lscm changeset locate is supposed to do -- i.e., locate changesets, but I'll be darned if a simple case doesn't work.  I am trying to use the -W option to search for changesets by workitem in the "stream to search" stream.  This is what I get:

c:\localpath\pep>lscm changeset locate -r local -W -w "stream to search" 5975
Argument syntax error:
Missing arguments to subcommand "changeset locate" - selectors. Try 'lscm help changeset locate' for more information.

5975 is my selector but it won't recognize it.  Am I doing something wrong?

Accepted answer

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Shashikant Padur (4.2k27) | answered Jul 07 '14, 11:37 p.m.
It is getting confused with the value provided to the options although the error message could have been better. Could you try the following: scm changeset locate -r local -W 5975 -"stream to search" or scm changeset locate -local -"stream to search" -5975
Andy Jewell selected this answer as the correct answer

Andy Jewell commented Jul 08 '14, 11:08 a.m.

Great, thanks!  The first one worked (not the second):

scm changeset locate -v -r local -W 5975 -w "stream name" 

This has probably changed in newer versions but I'd point out that the option instructions are wrong since it shows that -W is a flag option and that the selectors are arguments to the command not to the option.  

But I'm happy: it's working!  Thanks, Shashikant!

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