Calling REST service on JTS Form Based authentication
we have developed some kind of java appliaction for calling REST service for automatic creation of work items on Jazz Team Server.
Well, we stucked on the part of app authentication.
On our CLM system, we are using form based authentication, and we would like to change it to basic authentication for easier implenentation.
Can anyone explain the process of changing it, and is there maybe example of java code for form based authentication?
What impact of changing authentication type for applications should CLM occur?
I saw the following article:
and it is explained that specific application settings must be changed, am I right?
So if this is true, jazz/ccm.war property is going to be changed?
One answer
You're making things complicated by talking two things together at the same time.
With form based authentication (the default), there are proven ways to authenticate in scripts/codes. It will be similar to the below script.
If you do decide to switch to Basic Auth, you only need to make a small change in your code.
To use all the script examples in this document with Basic Auth, you would typically replace
"-b %COOKIES%" with
"-u <user:password>" .