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setting up a conditional required field in rtc 4.0

Charles Cruse (1521213) | asked Feb 02 '13, 4:35 p.m.

I am new to dojo, so I apologize in advance if this is a simple user error.

I was trying to follow an article by Jorge A. Diaz to create an conditionally required attribute in RTC 4.0.

I have coded my script:

I have defined my script based condition:

I have defined my precondition for my custom work item:

But when I go to edit my workitem, it seems to have no affect on whether or not the intended field is required.

What am I missing?


3 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Feb 04 '13, 1:27 a.m.
Hello Charles,
difficult to provide an accurate answer here as we're missing details about your PA customization and the Javascript you implemented.
I would encourage you to read/follow this article -

Also ensure that Javascript is enabled on the server: got to ccm/
and verify that "Enable Process Attachment Scripts" is set to true


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Charles Cruse (1521213) | answered Feb 04 '13, 4:40 p.m.
I have sent a note to our server manager to check that setting - Meanwhile I noticed this message in the log which may be a big clue - 'cs.condition.aparanduhl.causal.aparrootcause.script' is not a constructor

Eric Jodet commented Feb 05 '13, 12:37 a.m.

Hello Charles,
yes - big clue - please verify:
- all deployed custom javascript
- validate all javascript

You should be able to locate the issue.


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Charles Cruse (1521213) | answered Feb 05 '13, 6:41 p.m.

The 'cs.condition.aparanduhl.causal.aparrootcause.script' is not a constructor  message pointed to a syntax error in my .js file - actually more that one.  After Eric helped me through those, I have the conditional requiredness of the field working!  Thanks for all the help!

Eric Jodet commented Feb 06 '13, 12:47 a.m.

yes - we mostly fixed Javascript  syntax errors.
Glad I could help here.

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