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Personal Dashboard permissions and rights

Zachary K (19354339) | asked Jan 30 '13, 12:50 p.m.
edited Jan 30 '13, 12:51 p.m.
I can make my personal dashboard public for other team members to see but is it possible to give other team members the right to change the personal dashboard widget settings for instance?
The reason I'm asking is in the event the personal dashboard owner leaves the team how can one transfers his rights to another Jazz user ID?
Thank you

2 answers

permanent link
Dr. Hans-Joachim Pross (1.1k4458) | answered Jan 30 '13, 1:33 p.m.
edited Jan 30 '13, 1:43 p.m.
Of cause you can.
Just press the sharing icon on the right side. 
This will allow all users to view it, and it will be listed in the All Personal Dashboards page.
But you can not edit a Personal Dashboard.
But you can copy and paste the Widgets to another Dashboard.

permanent link
Zachary K (19354339) | answered Jan 30 '13, 2:02 p.m.
edited Jan 30 '13, 2:03 p.m.
I know about making the dashboard public with the share icon, that wasn't my question.  
My question is about allowing other users to edit. Apparently I cannot transfer personal dashboard ownership.

Dr. Hans-Joachim Pross commented Jan 30 '13, 2:20 p.m.

As I wrote:
But you can not edit a Personal Dashboard (of another person).
But you can copy and paste the Widgets to another Dashboard.

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