Report Data Collection Job Status Failed
Hi all,
we get following error running Data Collection Job "Common" , instead "Star" job succeded
2013-01-16 17:16:36,698 [ http-bio-9443-exec-65] ERROR ervice.internal.common.CommonRemoteSnapshotService - CRRRE1417E: The HTTP status '401' and the message is 'Unauthorized'.
java.sql.SQLException: CRRRE1417E: The HTTP status '401' and the message is 'Unauthorized'.
we get following error running Data Collection Job "Common" , instead "Star" job succeded
2013-01-16 17:16:36,698 [ http-bio-9443-exec-65] ERROR ervice.internal.common.CommonRemoteSnapshotService - CRRRE1417E: The HTTP status '401' and the message is 'Unauthorized'.
java.sql.SQLException: CRRRE1417E: The HTTP status '401' and the message is 'Unauthorized'.
5 answers
The general check points for failed ETL will be:
dw collection job user's password, license assigned or not, whether it has jazzadmin permission(from jts/admin > user page to check with the etl user and make sure it has right license and JazzAdmin permission.
Some of them are covered above.
From the original statement "we get following error running Data Collection Job "Common" , instead "Star" job succeded", we know Common failed but Star worked. Since Star does not require an user and password, it is worth to try to re-enter the password of common job and try to run the job again and see if it works(to verify if the etl user and password are right, you can use the same user and password and login to the jts/admin page, you should be able to login to the page properly).
Another check point(rare) is under jts/admin > Data Warehouse Connection,
check with
If it was set to "JTS" which required consumer key and consumer secret instead of
username/password, you can go to jts/admin > data collection job page and see if the
username/password are used which is not correct.
We have seen some issue when using JTS as authentication type in 3.0.1.x and you can try to change the type to Form and then use the right etl job user and password in data collection job to fix the issue.
Hopefully these help.
dw collection job user's password, license assigned or not, whether it has jazzadmin permission(from jts/admin > user page to check with the etl user and make sure it has right license and JazzAdmin permission.
Some of them are covered above.
From the original statement "we get following error running Data Collection Job "Common" , instead "Star" job succeded", we know Common failed but Star worked. Since Star does not require an user and password, it is worth to try to re-enter the password of common job and try to run the job again and see if it works(to verify if the etl user and password are right, you can use the same user and password and login to the jts/admin page, you should be able to login to the page properly).
Another check point(rare) is under jts/admin > Data Warehouse Connection,
check with
If it was set to "JTS" which required consumer key and consumer secret instead of
username/password, you can go to jts/admin > data collection job page and see if the
username/password are used which is not correct.
We have seen some issue when using JTS as authentication type in 3.0.1.x and you can try to change the type to Form and then use the right etl job user and password in data collection job to fix the issue.
Hopefully these help.