No longer able to log in to RM

The only thing that I know has changed is, the WAS server was upgraded to, from whatever it was at the time the instance was set up. After the upgrade, I was able to log in to the /jts/admin; the status summary and diagnostics looked ok (i.e. everything green), but that's all I checked at the time of the upgrade (since I knew the server was not actively in use).
Here's the message we are currently getting:
Accepted answer

Check in the JTS admin pages, /jts/admin -> server menu -> license key management

License Key Management shows that I have the following active CAL types (not counting the "Internal" and/or "Included" ones):
RQM Quality Professional-Floating: Unlocked, Active (0 assigned)
RRC Analyst-Floating: UInlocked, Active (11 assigned)
RTC Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms-Floating: Unlocked, Active (1 assigned)
The "Floating License Server" portion of the screen, further down, shows a total of 3 RQM Quality Professional-Floating licenses, 3 RRC Analyst-Floating licenses, and 10 RTC Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms-Floating licenses.

Hi Erich,
Can you check if the /server/conf/rm/ file still has entries with https://localhost:9444/rdm ?
That value made me suspicions as it is the initial value set in that file before the JTS setup wizard runs, and registers and finalizes the RM app.

Sure enough, a grep for 9444 on the file turns up the following:\://localhost\:9444/rdm\://localhost\:9444/rdm/web#action\\=\://localhost\:9444/rdm\://localhost\:9444/rdm/web#action\\={moduleURI}&artifactInModule\=
I thought that maybe rerunning setup would clear things up, but setup hung up on the "Finalize RM" step, with "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:9444"
Do I want to change the 9444's to 9443's? or do I want to change the localhosts to the FQDN? or something else?

Documenting the results of a follow-up chat with Bas:
Running directly in my browser established that RM is definitely listening on port 9443, so I changed all 9444's to 9443 and restarted WAS - but that was not enough.
friendsconfig.rdf had the following:
I replaced "localhost" with a FQDN and restarted WAS - but that was still not enough.
I re-checked /rm/rootservices, and the value for <rm:setupWizardDescriptor rdf:resource=" "> was:
Not sure why (or how) the URL context was /rdm and not /rm, but there were 12 other occurrences of /rdm in I can't even imagine a scenario where I would have changed these, not once, but 13 times! I changed all /rdm to /rm and restarted WAS.
Now, pointing my browser directly to the setupWizardDescriptor URL returned the expected response; /jts/setup made it past the "Finalize RM" step; and I am again able to login to /rm/web
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