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Why is the RQM-Test Report in DOORS not showing my test case and test results?

Authors: IntegrationsTroubleshootingTeam
Build basis: CLM 4.x, IBM Rational DOORS 9.4 and later as supported

This page covers what to do if you cannot see test cases and test results in the IBM Rational DOORS Test Report. This is related to the OSLC based integration from DOORS 9.4 on-wards. It does not cover the legacy IBM Rational Quality Manager Interface (RQMI) interface of DOORS 9.3 and earlier.

Initial assessment

Is it working for any objects?


The report runs but the relevant columns are missing any values. However the object is associated with a test case which itself is associated with test case execution records.


This impacts all users.

Possible causes and solutions

  • The Test Report will only function where Object Text exists. Add text in DOORS and run it again.
  • The Test Case Execution Record must be associated with the Test Plan.

Related topics: Deployment web home, Integrations Troubleshooting

External links:

Additional contributors: MaeveOReilly
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