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Why can't I finalize the creation of a "Derives" link from Requirements Composer to Rational Design Manager?

Authors: IntegrationsTroubleshootingTeam
Build basis: Rational Requirements Composer 4.0.x, IBM Rational Software Architect Design Manager 4.0.x

This page describes what to do if you cannot save a "Derives" link you are creating from IBM Rational Requirements Composer (RRC) to IBM Rational Software Architect Design Manager (RSA DM).

Initial assessment


  1. When you try to add a new "Derives" link from (Rational Requirements Composer) RRC to RSA DM, you receive the error:


    In plain text:
    An error has occurred while processing a server request. The server returned thie error: 400.
    If you look at the details, you can see the following :
    ID CRRRW7553E  A message that was received from the server indicates an error with no specific handler.
    Unable to load /rm/proxy?uri=http%3A%2F%2F<JazzTeamServerHost>%2Fdm%2Fmodels%2F739 status:400
    ([object Object])@http://<JazzTeamServerHost>:<port>/rm/web/_js/?include=I~&etag=GOBS531L2x6_da&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=EFL0c&locale=en_US:2485_6@
    URL: /rm/proxy?uri=http%3A%2F%2F<JazzTeamServerHost>%2Fdm%2Fmodels%2F739
    <?xml version="1.0"?> 
    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:j.0="http://open-services.net/ns/core#" > 
      <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="A0"> 
        <j.0:message>403 :Permission to perform the operation was denied - OPERATION_DENIED</j.0:message> 
        <j.0:statusCode>400</j.0:statusCode> <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://open-services.net/ns/core#Error"/> 
  2. When a link is created from an artifact in RRC, the link creation dialog is not automatically dismissed.
    The dialog remains instead open showing Saving links... in the background (as shown below).


    After manually canceling or clearing the window, refreshing the page shows that the link was created (as shown below).



  1. Does the behavior affect all the members of the RSA Design Manager project area?
  2. Does the behavior happen for every type of link or only the Derives links ?

Possible causes

  1. Not all the permissions have been granted to the user who is trying to add the link.
  2. The version of Requirements Composer (RRC) is 4.0.3 and your are facing the known defect:
    PI09726: (74723) Create link dialog does not close when click on OK for Derives links

Possible solutions

  1. Ask the administrator of the RSA DM project area to verify the permissions for the Resource Links settings for the role assigned to the user(s) who is receiving the error 400.
    Below is the view on how the Permissions' page of the project area looks like for the Resource links that you can access from https://host:port/dm/admin -> Active Project Areas -> Your project Area -> Permissions


    NOTE: As a Administrator, you can customize the message that is provided to the users by editing the operation properties as shown below:


  2. Update your Requirements Composer (RRC) installation to 4.0.4 to get a fix for the defect: PI09726: (74723) Create link dialog does not close when click on OK for Derives links.


Related topics: Integrations Troubleshooting

External links:

Additional contributors: FrancoisPanaget

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