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RM MBean Descriptions todo.png

Build basis: 7.0


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publish the total number of RM artifacts on this server as a MBean, as a single integer value. This is useful for sizing a production system. Note that the calculation of this value can add substantial load on large repositories, so should be scheduled to run infrequently at quiet times.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting TotalNumberOfArtifacts.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: artifact

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute Description Type
Value A single Integer value Integer
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publish the total number of RM components, across all projects, on this server, as a single integer value. If configuration management is not enabled for a project, it has only one component. If configuration management is enabled, each project can have multiple components. This is useful for sizing a production system. Note that the calculation of this value can add substantial load on large repositories, so should be scheduled to run infrequently at quiet times.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting TotalNumberOfComponents.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: cm

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute Description Type
Value A single Integer value Integer
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publish the total number of RM comfigurations, across all projects, on this server, as a single integer value. If configuration management is not enabled for a project, it has only one configuration. If configuration management is enabled, each project can have multiple configurations. This is useful for sizing a production system. Note that the calculation of this value can add substantial load on large repositories, so should be scheduled to run infrequently at quiet times.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting TotalNumberOfConfigurations.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: cm

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute Description Type
Value A single Integer value Integer
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publish the total number of baselines, across all projects, on this server, as a single integer value. If configuration management is not enabled for a project, each project can have multiple baselines. If configuration management is enabled, each component of the project can have multiple baselines. This is useful for sizing a production system. Note that the calculation of this value can add substantial load on large repositories, so should be scheduled to run infrequently at quiet times.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting TotalNumberOfBaselines.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: cm

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute Description Type
Value A single Integer value Integer
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publish the total number of streams, across all projects, on this server, as a single integer value. If configuration management is not enabled for a project, there is one stream per project. If configuration management is enabled, there can be multiple streams for each project. This is useful for sizing a production system. Note that the calculation of this value can add substantial load on large repositories, so should be scheduled to run infrequently at quiet times.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting TotalNumberOfStreams.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: cm

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute Description Type
Value A single Integer value Integer
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publish the total number of active changesets, across all projects, on this server, as a single integer value. If configuration management is not enabled for a project, there are no changesets. If configuration management is enabled, there can be multiple open changesets for each project. This is useful for sizing a production system. Note that the calculation of this value can add substantial load on large repositories, so should be scheduled to run infrequently at quiet times.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting TotalNumberOfChangesets.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: cm

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute Description Type
Value A single Integer value Integer
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publish the total number of links, within and between components and projects, as a single integer value.This is useful for sizing a production system. Note that the calculation of this value can add substantial load on large repositories, so should be scheduled to run infrequently at quiet times.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting TotalNumberOfLinks.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: link

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute Description Type
Value A single Integer value Integer
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publish the total number of reviews, within and between components and projects, as a single integer value.This is useful for sizing a production system. Note that the calculation of this value can add substantial load on large repositories, so should be scheduled to run infrequently at quiet times.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting TotalNumberOfReviews.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: review

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute DescriptionSorted descending Type
Value A single Integer value Integer
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publishes a table of a count of the artifacts in the system, by artifact type.This can be useful for sizing a production system. Note that the calculation of this value can add substantial load on large repositories, so should be scheduled to run infrequently at quiet times.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting TotalArtifactsByType.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: artifact

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute Description Type
Value A table of values Table
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String


BEAN_DESCRIPTION - Publish data gathered from the rogue query monitor. This looks at the list of long running queries, and return figures about the size of that list, and statistics about the times that the queries in the list have been executing.This is useful for monitoring a production system, checking that the list size isn't increasing and the times are not degrading. In 7.0 the Rogue Query Monitor is still available, but as it covers only SPARQL queries and these are now mainly only used for Reviews and Comments, it is of less importance to the health of the system.

Advanced Property

ADVANCED_PROPERTY_TO_ENABLE_BEAN - You enable this bean by setting RogueQuerySummary.enableMBean to true

MBean Category: query

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm



Attribute Description Type
queryCount The number of queries being monitored java.lang.Integer
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
average The average wait in the list java.lang.Integer
min The minimum wait in the list java.lang.Integer
median The median wait in the list java.lang.Integer
max The maximum wait in the list java.lang.Integer

Counter Mbeans

Counter MBeans expose internal Counters within the product. There are a large number of these counters, and they each have a name, a type and a reporting category. They are only created and exposed when particular areas of the code are exercised - so for example if a server has never run any ReqIF operations, no ReqIF MBeans will be available.

Please note that the names, types, and information provided by these MBeans do not form part of the product API, and so may change considerably from release to release.

Default Frequency for Publishing

DEFAULT_BEAN_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY - Weekly, on Saturday evening at 10.30 pm. Note that as these counters do not incur much runtime overhead, then for full usefulness a more frequent smaple time is recommended, eg every 300 seconds.

Counter MBean Types

MBeans in Application types are available while the server is in normal running state.

Application MBean Types

MBeans in Migration types are only available while the server migrating up to 7.0.

Migration MBean Types

Name and Reporting Type MBeans of each type

System Created MBeans

MBeans of four types are created 'on the fly' with the name of each task or service requested of them, and therefore individual MBeans of this type are not named in this document.

Type Reporting Type
syncTasks Time
asyncTasks Time
coreServices Time
restServices Time

Named MBeans

Type Name Reporting Type
view viewQueryExcludingTransform Time
DBMigrationMetrics commentNumberTableSize Number
DBMigrationMetrics conceptMappingTableSize Number
DBMigrationMetrics resourceTypeTableSize Number
DBMigrationMetrics upgradeMappingTableSize Number
DBMigrationMetrics wrapperInfoTableSize Number
Migration fetchItem Time
Migration fetchState Time
Migration fetchStates Time
Migration injectedFailures Number
Migration mapItemState Time
Migration runstats Time
migrationMetrics fetchContentCounterStates Number
migrationMetrics numberOfDBRowsRead Number
migrationMetrics numberOfProducedObjects Number
migrationMetrics statesEncountered Number
migrationMetrics statesIgnored Number
migrationMetrics statesToBeProcessed Number
migrationMetrics totalAbsentChangeSets Number
migrationMetrics totalAbsentConfigurations Number
migrationMetrics totalAdditionalConcepts Number
migrationMetrics totalArchivedResources Number
migrationMetrics totalConceptInfosFailedToEnqueue Number
migrationMetrics totalConceptInfosQueuedForProcessing Number
migrationMetrics totalConceptsSaved Number
migrationMetrics totalConceptsUnsaved Number
migrationMetrics totalDeletionsFailed Number
migrationMetrics totalDeletionsMapped Number
migrationMetrics totalDeletionsProduced Number
migrationMetrics totalSkippedMapStates Number
migrationMetrics totalStatesFailedToGenerate Number
migrationMetrics totalStatesInAdditionalConcepts Number
migrationMetrics totalStatesSkippedDueToDiscardedCS Number
migrationMetrics totalStatesSkippedDueToNonexistentConfig Number
migrationMetrics totalStatesSkippedDueToNullCS Number
migrationMetrics totalStatesSubmittedToQueue Number
migrationTimeMetrics convertContentTime Time
migrationTimeMetrics fetchContentCounterStatesTime Time
migrationTimeMetrics importItemsToRepositoryTime Time
migrationTimeMetrics totalFetchConfigTime Time
migrationTimeMetrics upgradeMappingsTime Time
migrationTimeMetrics waitingOnProducerQueueTime Time
MigrationTransformer conceptsTransformed Time
TransactionAwareConsumer txn Time
UpgradeMapping saveConceptMapping Time
UpgradeMapping saveUpgradeMapping Time
artifactCopy createBacklinks_CLMLinks Time
artifactCopy createBacklinks_queryCLMLinks Time
artifactCopy generateCreateBacklinks Time
auditHistory RetrieveHistoryRequest06 Time
auditHistory VvcQueryRevisionsRequest06 Time
changesetTransactionService abandonedBatchTx Number
changesetTransactionService allBatchTx Number
changesetTransactionService allChangesetTx Number
changesetTransactionService batchDeadlockedFirstTime Number
changesetTransactionService batchRetries Number
changesetTransactionService changesetCommit Time
changesetTransactionService failedBatchTx Number
changesetTransactionService failedChangesetTx Number
changesetTransactionService itemsInTx_saved Number
changesetTransactionService itemsInTx_deleted Number
changesetTransactionService saveDeleteItem Time
changesetTransactionService transactionSaveDeleteCommit Time
fullTextIndexingService textIndexBatchDeletionTime Time
fullTextIndexingService textIndexBatchSubmissionTime Time
fullTextQuery bindingToResults Time
fullTextQuery luceneQuery Time
fullTextQuery scopingQueryToCollection Time
fullTextQuery scopingQueryToModule Time
glossary fullTextSearch Time
linkQuery linkCountQueryInProjectArea Time
linkQuery linkCountQueryInServer Time
loadingCache All Object Types Query Cache for Cross Project Link Feature Cache Statistics
loadingCache Async Task Status Resource Cache Statistics
loadingCache Attribute Definition Types Query Cache for Cross Project Link Feature Cache Statistics
loadingCache Component template cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Components Cache Statistics
loadingCache Configurations Cache Statistics
loadingCache Contributors Cache Statistics
loadingCache defaultProjectConfigurations Cache Statistics
loadingCache Full Text Query Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache IFolderService Cache Statistics
loadingCache License Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Link Preferences Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Link Retrieval Process Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Lock Graph Loader Cache Statistics
loadingCache Method cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Operation permissions Cache Statistics
loadingCache PartitionPointerModel Cache Statistics
loadingCache Project Access Context Info Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Project details cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Project Status Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Publish service links cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Root folder URI cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache SameAs Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache StoragePointerModel Cache Statistics
loadingCache Stream or baseline exists state Cache Statistics
loadingCache Transaction tracker Cache Statistics
loadingCache Type System Provider Project Types Cache Statistics
loadingCache Type System Provider ValueTypes Cache Statistics
loadingCache Validity content hash cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Validity content hash cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache View Query Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache View Query Request to Result Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache View Query Request to Result Cache - Time-Expiring Cache Statistics
loadingCache View Query Requests per Result Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache View Query Results Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache View Service Object Type Field Value Cache Cache Statistics
loadingCache Workflow Types Cache Cache Statistics
publishing abbreviatedUriGets Number
publishing abbreviatedUrisRemoved Number
publishing urisAbbreviated Number
reportingServices transformation_doCollaboration Time
reqIFDefinitionQueryService reqIFDefinitionQuery Time
reqifImport reqifImportFolders Time
reqifImport reqifImportLinkPrefs Time
reqifImport reqifImportResources_total Time
reqifImport reqifImportResources_modules Time
reqifImport reqifImportResources_wrappedResources Time
reqifImport reqifImportResources_externalAttachments Time
reqifImport reqifImportResources_URIReservation Time
reqifImport reqifImportResources_looseRequirements Time
reqifImport reqifImportResources_links Time
reqifImport reqifImportTypes Time
reqifImport reqifImportViewsAndTags Time
reqIFMappingContextQueryService reqIFMappingContextQuery Time
requirementQuery artifactCountQueryInProjectArea Time
requirementQuery artifactCountQueryInServer Time
ResourceTypeService save_state Time
storage06 conversion_fromModelItem Time
storage06 conversion_toModelItem Time
storage06 fetch_diagramIContent Time
storage06 fetch_states Time
storage06 fetch_state Time
storage06 fetch_items Time
storage06 fetch_item Time
storage06 fetch_largeAttributeIContent Time
storage06 fetch_primaryTextIContent Time
storage06 saveItem_delete Time
storage06 saveItem_save Time
structureAnnotationService typeQuery Time
threadPools ChangeLogFeedHandler Pool Statistics
threadPools ChangeLogFeedHandlerMigrationTasks Pool Statistics
threadPools Command-Executor Pool Statistics
threadPools DefaultPartitioner Pool Statistics
threadPools MultiRequest-Executor Pool Statistics
threadPools Parser/Converter Pool Statistics
threadPools Project Template Creation Pool Statistics
threadPools ReportRunner06 Pool Statistics
threadPools ReqIF-Operation Pool Statistics
threadPools Task-Executor Pool Statistics
threadPools Task-Scheduler Pool Statistics
threadPools Update-Mappings-Executor Pool Statistics
typeQueryService typeQuery Time
view buildQuery Time
view duplicateQueries Time
view fullTextSearch Time
view inline/Persisted_inline Number
view inline/Persisted_persisted Number
view overall Time
view processQueryResultRow Time
view serverQueryService Time
view transform Time
view transformFullObjectFetch Time

Reporting Types for Counter MBean Attributes

Time Counters

Attribute Description Type
total_Time_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
active Number of active requests. java.lang.Long
active_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
count Count of all requests since server restart. java.lang.Long
count_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
longest The duration of the longest request. java.lang.Long
longest_Time_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
mean The mean of all requests received. java.lang.Long
mean_Time_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
peak.active The largest number of concurrent requests. java.lang.Long
peak.active_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
shortest The duration of the shortest request. java.lang.Long
shortest_Time_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
std.dev The standard deviation of request times. java.lang.Long
std.dev_Time_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
total The sum of durations measured by this counter. java.lang.Long

Thread Pool Counters

Attribute Description Type
scheduled tasks_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
active threads Count of active threads in this pool. java.lang.Long
active threads_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
completed tasks Count of tasks completed by this pool. java.lang.Long
completed tasks_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
core pool size Number of threads available in this pool. java.lang.Long
core pool size_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
max pool size The maximum number of threads allowed in this pool. java.lang.Long
max pool size_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
pool size Current pool size. java.lang.Long
pool size_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
queue size Count of queued tasks waiting for a thread. java.lang.Long
queue size_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
scheduled tasks All tasks that have been scheduled by this pool. java.lang.Long

Cache Statistics Counters

Attribute Description Type
totalLoadTime_Time_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
avgLoadPenalty The average load penalty in nanoseconds java.lang.Long
avgLoadPenalty_Time_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
evictionCount Number of evictions from this cache. java.lang.Long
evictionCount_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
hitCount Number of successful lookups of this cache. java.lang.Long
hitCount_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
hitRate Returns the ratio of cache requests which were hits. java.lang.Double
hitRate_Percentage_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
loadCount The number of loads through the cache. java.lang.Long
loadCount_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
loadExceptionCount Count of exceptions encountered when loading the cache. java.lang.Long
loadExceptionCount_Number_representation String value of corresponding field java.lang.String
loadExceptionRate Returns the ratio of cache loading attempts which threw exceptions. java.lang.Double
loadExceptionRate_Percentage_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
loadSuccessCount No description available. java.lang.Long
loadSuccessCount_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
missRate Returns the ratio of cache requests which were misses. java.lang.Double
missRate_Percentage_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
missCount Returns the number of times Cache lookup methods have returned an uncached (newly loaded) value, or null. java.lang.Long
missCount_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
requestCount Number of requests received. java.lang.Long
requestCount_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field java.lang.String
totalLoadTime Total time spent loading the cache. java.lang.Long

Number Counters

Attribute Description Type
value_Number_representation User suitable string of corresponding field String
mbeanCreationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the ELM application is running String
port This is the port number where the ELM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the ELM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the ELM application is clustered String
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
value The single numeric value published by this MBean Long

Related topics: MBeans in ELM 7.0

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