The following article is an example of how you can configure Multiple Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) Nodes, deployed with Jazz Authorization Server, with Load Balancing for Distributing query workload.
This examples assumes the ELM deployment is on IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile with Jazz Authorization Server enabled and a Reverse Proxy Server (IBM HTTP Server).
High Level Instructions
Pre-Req: LQE deployed on its own IBM Liberty server and is setup with a distributed deployment of ELM enabled with JAS.
- Run a backup on the Primary LQE Server
- Install and configure an additional LQE node
- Add the new node URIs to JAS LQE registration
- Test Individual LQE Nodes and change Node Names
- Setup Apache HTTP Server or HAProxy as Load Balancer for the LQE nodes
- Reconfigure LQE redirection in Reverse Proxy to point to the Load Balancer
- Test Load Balanced LQE setup
Run a Backup on the Primary LQE Server
You will need a backup from your original LQE server to configure additional servers. A backup contains all the metadata in LQE and a copy of the indexed data. You can use the backup files to install another LQE server that has a copy of the indexed data.
- To create a One Time Backup see Backing up and restoring Lifecycle Query Engine
- Or if Backups are scheduled, review the backup location
- Copy over the latest backup to the new server identified for the second or additional LQE Node
- In addition Copy the
files from the conf/lqe directory to the new server
Install and Configure additional LQE node
Update JAS Registration with new LQE Node URL
We have included scripts to add new URLs to JAS registrations which is primarily used for setting up clustering. We can reuse these scripts for this task.
On the LQE Server
- Directory - [LQE_HOME]/server/clustering
- Copy over the files
and JASConfig.params
files to the server hosting Jazz Authorization Server
On the Jazz Authorization Server
- Find the ClientId of LQE Application
- Access JAS URL
and login as an Admin User
- Search for Client name
and copy the respective Client ID
Test Individual LQE Nodes and change Node Names
Test by accessing individual LQE Node URLs
Primary LQE Node:
New LQE Node:
Setup Apache HTTP Server or HAProxy as Load Balancer for the LQE nodes
We have performed minimal testing of Load Balancing of LQE nodes using HAProxy and Apache HTTP Server and have documented our findings below.
For open-source software, including Apache HTTP Server and HAProxy, the following IBM Policy applies:
IBM Open Source and Third-party software policy
We have documented instructions to setup
Load Balancing for LQE using Apache HTTP Server
HAProxy is a free and open source software that provides a high availability load balancer and reverse proxy. It supports a rich set of
Load Balancing algorithms and the default is Leastconn. We have tested the use of HAProxy with EWM/ETM Clustering and hence are documenting the setup of HAProxy for LQE load balancing. HAProxy is not supported on Microsoft Windows Operating System. You can continue to the next step if your environment is Linux based.
The steps provided in the next section is a simple setup of HAProxy. For detailed instructions please visit
Install HAProxy
You need a Linux based server in your environment to install and configure HAProxy. Run the following commands
# yum update
# yum install haproxy
Create Open SSL Certificates for HAProxy
Generate SSL Certificates to be used with HAProxy via OpenSSL
# mkdir /etc/haproxy/ssl
# cd /etc/haproxy/ssl
# openssl req -newkey rsa:3072 -sha256 -new -x509 -days 3652 -nodes -out haproxy.crt -keyout haproxy.key
# cat haproxy.crt haproxy.key > haproxy.pem
# chmod +rx haproxy.*
Import this certificate and key file into IBM HTTP Server certificate kdb file and the Plugin kdb file.
Edit/Create HAProxy config file
Here is a sample
file for load balancing 2 LQE nodes. You could change the ports (8080, 8443, 1936) to the ports of your choice and the user/group as well.
In addition, change the path to the SSL certificate to the one created in the previous step.
- # vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
log local0
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
pidfile /var/run/
maxconn 4000
user haproxy
group haproxy
stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
mode http
log global
option http-keep-alive
option dontlognull
option http-server-close
option forwardfor except
option redispatch
retries 3
timeout http-request 10s
timeout queue 1m
timeout connect 10s
timeout client 2h
timeout server 2h
timeout http-keep-alive 10s
timeout check 10s
maxconn 4000
# Connect to LQE cluster
frontend lqe-proxy
bind *:8080
bind *:8443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/haproxy.pem no-sslv3
log global
option httplog
mode http
capture cookie SERVERID len 32
redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
maxconn 1000 # The expected number of the users of the system.
default_backend lqe
backend lqe
option forwardfor
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
fullconn 1000 # if not specified, HAProxy will set this to 10% of 'maxconn' specified on the frontend
balance leastconn
cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
# Edit the LQE Node URLs, and change Minimum and Maximum connections as per you need. For another node, add
server lqenode1 <LQEPrimaryNode_Hostname>:<PORT> minconn 100 maxconn 500 ssl check cookie lqenode1 verify none
server lqenode2 <LQENEWNode_Hostname>:<PORT> minconn 100 maxconn 500 ssl check cookie lqenode2 verify none
# The following configuration opens the Load Balancing Statistics Page,, change user password per your requirement
listen statistics
bind *:1936
stats uri /
stats admin if TRUE
stats enable
stats hide-version
stats auth admin:password
stats refresh 5s
Enable and start HAProxy server
Run the following commands to start the HAProxy Server, enable it to auto start during machine startup and to check status of the HAProxy server
# systemctl start haproxy
# systemctl enable haproxy
# systemctl status haproxy
Update JAS Registration with HAProxy URL
Find the ClientId of LQE Application (This was also done in an earlier step)
- Access JAS URL
and login as an Admin User
- Search for Client name
and copy the respective Client ID
On the JAS Server machine, switch to [JAS_HOME] directory
Test HAProxy Load Balancer URL
Access LQE via HAProxy URL
- Review the Cookies via Browser tools, find the LQE node the request was redirected to, example cookie
SERVERID: "lqenode1"
- Access LQE via HAproxy URL on another browser or another machine and review the cookies to find the LQE node
- Access the URL https://HAProxyServer:PORT/lqe/web/admin/nodes and check the node name
- Access the Load Balancer statistics URL
(Default user and password as per the haproxy.cfg file above is admin
and password
Reconfigure LQE redirection in Reverse Proxy to point to the Load Balancer
As the landing ELM and LQE URL is IHS or your configured Reverse Proxy, you would have to change the redirection of /lqe to the HAProxy server and port. Example of IHS plugin URL below
<Transport Hostname="<HAProxy_Server>" Port="8443" Protocol="https">
Test Load Balanced LQE
Access the original LQE URL via the Revers
External links: