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Configuring Federated LDAP registries for Jazz Applications on WebSphere Liberty Profile uc.png

Authors: ShubjitNaik
Build basis: IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management 6.0.1 and higher

Federation of user registries on WebSphere Liberty

WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile allows configuring Multiple federated registries. User registry federation is used when user and group information is spread across multiple registries. For example, the information might be in two different LDAPs, in two subtrees of the same LDAP, in a file, or the users are of a system. The information might even be in a custom user data repository. With registries federated, you can search and use these distributed user information in a unified manner with continuous store of information. Using federated registry, you can use the unified view for authentication and authorization of users in Liberty.

There are 2 parts to setting up Federated User Registries for CLM.

  • Configuring WebSphere Liberty Profiles hosting Jazz Applications with Federated Registries
  • Configuring CLM to Import Users from Multiple User Registries


  • Configuring Federated Registries on a departmental/ single server topology
  • Configuring Federated Registries on a Distributed setup
  • Federating LDAP registry with a Basic User Registry

Enable federated registries in Liberty

Including Features to support Federated Registries

  • Enable the Liberty Profile to support Federated Registries
  • Edit Jazz_App_install_dir/server/liberty/servers/clm/server.xml and include the following in the list of features
  •    <feature>appSecurity-2.0</feature>

  • On a distributed setup, Configure each Liberty Profile hosting a Jazz Application with similar configurations

Federate two or more LDAP registries

  • First ensure the Group Names planned to be used with Jazz are Unique across all User registries (Example: JazzAdmin_host1, JazzAdmin_Host2)
  • Ensure the ldapUserRegistry.xml entry is enabled in Jazz_App_install_dir/server/liberty/servers/clm/server.xml
        <include location="conf/ldapUserRegistry.xml"/>
  • Edit Jazz_App_install_dir/server/liberty/servers/clm/ldapUserRegistry.xml and modify to match your environment
  • We have included a few examples from different federated LDAP environments (MS Active Directory and ApacheDS) to help guide the configuration

Microsoft Active Directory

  • <server>
          <ldapRegistry ldapType="Microsoft Active Directory" baseDN="CN=Users,DC=HOST1,DC=com" 
            bindDN="CN=CLM Admin,CN=Users,DC=HOST1,DC=com" bindPassword="********" 
            host="ldapserver1" id="ldapserver1:389" ignoreCase="true" port="389" realm="ldapserver1:389"
            recursiveSearch="true" referal="follow" sslEnabled="false">  
                            groupMemberIdMap="memberOf:member" >
          <ldapRegistry ldapType="Microsoft Active Directory" baseDN="CN=Users,DC=HOST2,DC=com" 
            bindDN="CN=CLM Admin,CN=Users,DC=HOST2,DC=com" bindPassword="********" 
            host="ldapserver2" id="ldapserver2:389" ignoreCase="true" port="389" realm="ldapserver2:389"
            recursiveSearch="true" referal="follow" sslEnabled="false">  
                            groupMemberIdMap="memberOf:member" >


  • <server>
          <ldapRegistry ldapType="Custom" baseDN="dc=clm,dc=com" host="ldapserver1" 
                   id="ldapserver1:10389" ignoreCase="true" port="10389" 
                   realm="ldapserver1:10389" recursiveSearch="true" referal="follow" 
                        userIdMap="*:uid" >
        <ldapRegistry ldapType="Custom" baseDN="dc=example,dc=com" host="ldapserver2" 
                   id="ldapserver2:10389" ignoreCase="true" port="10389" 
                   realm="ldapserver2:10389" recursiveSearch="true" referal="follow" 
                   sslEnabled="false" timestampFormat="yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSSSSSZ">
                        userIdMap="*:uid" >

  • The above example is from an ApacheDS server setup with Anonymous Authentication. Include the BindDN if necessary

LDAP Registry federated with Basic

  • First ensure the Group Names planned to be used with Jazz are Unique across the LDAP and Basic User registries (Example: JazzAdmin_host1, JazzAdmin_Host2)
  • Ensure the ldapUserRegistry.xml and basicUserRegistry.xml entries are enabled in Jazz_App_install_dir/server/liberty/servers/clm/server.xml
        <include location="conf/basicUserRegistry.xml"/>
        <include location="conf/ldapUserRegistry.xml"/>
  • Edit Jazz_App_install_dir/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/ldapUserRegistry.xml and modify to match your environment, you can include federate LDAP registries as per the above example as well
  • Edit Jazz_App_install_dir/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry.xml and include Users and groups as per your requirement
    <basicRegistry id="Jazz" realm="Jazz">
            <user name="ADMIN" password="{xor}HhsSFhE="/>
            <user name="bclmadmin" password="{xor}Lz4sLCgwLTtsbW5rag=="/>
            <user name="bclmuser" password="{xor}Lz4sLCgwLTs="/>
            <group name="BJazzAdmins">
                <member name="ADMIN"/>
                <member name="bclmadmin"/>
            <group name="BJazzProjectAdmins">
                <member name="bclmadmin"/>
            <group name="BJazzGuests">
                <member name="bclmadmin"/>
            <group name="BJazzUsers">
                <member name="bclmuser"/>

  • You can either enter Plain Text Passwords or encrypt the passwords using the securityUtility

Encrypt Passwords

  • To encrypt passwords, run the script Jazz_App_install_dir/server/liberty/wlp/bin/securityUtility
  • To run the securityUtility script, use the following syntax:
  • $ securityUtility encode userPassword 
    where userPassword is the password to encode
  • After the script completes, copy the output to the password attribute associated with the user ID (or bindPassword)

Group to Role Mappings

  • Map Groups to the respective Jazz Roles
  • Edit Jazz_App_install_dir/server/liberty/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/application.xml and modify Group mapping for jts.war, ccm.war and qm.war
    <application id="jts" location="${server.config.dir}/apps/jts.war" name="jts" type="war">
                <security-role name="JazzAdmins">
                    <group name="JazzAdmins_Host1"/>
                    <group name="JazzAdmins_Host2"/>
                    <group name="JazzAdmins_Basic"/>
                <security-role name="JazzProjectAdmins">
                    <group name="JazzProjectAdmins_Host1"/>
                    <group name="JazzProjectAdmins_Host2"/>
                    <group name="JazzProjectAdmins_Basic"/>
                <security-role name="JazzUsers">
                    <group name="JazzUsers_Host1"/>
                    <group name="JazzUsers_Host2"/>
                    <group name="JazzUsers_Basic"/>
                <security-role name="JazzGuests">
                    <group name="JazzGuests_Host1"/>
                    <group name="JazzGuests_Host2"/>
                    <group name="JazzGuests_Basic"/>

Liberty server administration

  • Include Users/Groups for Liberty server administration
  • These Users/Groups would be able to access the Liberty server administration page https://SERVER:PORT/adminCenter
  • Edit Jazz_App_install_dir/server/liberty/server/liberty/servers/clm/server.xml and modify the section shown below
       <!-- Edit the following, after setting up the user registry,
             to define the user(s) and/or group(s) that can perform Liberty server administration
             (e.g. access the Admin Center) -->

Importing Users to Jazz Team Server (JTS)

Importing Users from Federated LDAP Registries

Note: You can only Synchronize users from one LDAP registry at a time into JTS.

  • Configure your Jazz Team Server to your Primary LDAP server for Night Sync
  • To import from second LDAP registry to CLM, manually change the LDAP and group details in JTS > Advanced Properties

Related topics: Deployment web home, Deployment web home

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Additional contributors: TWikiUser, TWikiUser

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