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How to Enable Debug Trace in Visual Studio

Authors: ZeeshanChoudhry
Build basis: IBM Rational Team Concert Microsoft Visual Studio Client 3.x and later

This article explains how you can enable the debug tracing for IBM Rational Team Concert Visual Studio client to find out the details about a reported error or unexpected results. There are two ways to enable the debug tracing.

Modifying the configuration file of the Microsoft Visual Studio executable.

You would want to use this approach if the problem is related to the start up of the Rational Team Concert Visual Studio client.

To get the Rational Team Concert trace logs, modify the Visual Studio config file named: "devenv.exe.config" following the steps below. This config file can be found in the same folder as "devenv.exe". For example "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe.config":

Please note: Path is different for different versions of Microsoft Visual Studio installations.

1. Close Visual Studio and then open the above config file in Notepad.

2. Go to the end of the file, you should see similar codes like the following:

            <ipv6 enabled="true"/>
        <add key="TestProjectRetargetTo35Allowed" value="true" />
    <system.drawing bitmapSuffix=".VisualStudio.11.0" />

3. Before the

tag, paste in the following lines
    <add name="RTCTraceLevel" value="4"/>

4. Save the file and close it.(4 is the highest tracing level)

5. Now start Microsoft Visual Studio, try to re-produce the problem.

Rational Team Concert should start logging, the trace files can be found at location where pointed by the "APPDATA" environment variable, under IBM\Rational\Team Concert Visual Studio Client subdirectory. For example, if APPDATA points to "C:\Documents and Settings\kkishore\Application Data" the location of Rational Team Concert logs will be found under "C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\IBM\Rational\Team Concert Visual Studio Client"

In latest release the trace file can be found at:

C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\IBM\Rational\Team Concert Client

Using Rational Team Concert Built-in verbose tracing option.

You would want to use this approach if the problem is related to a use case in the Visual Studio client.

For example:

- Connecting to the Team Concert Repository

- Loading Workspace

- Creating a Change set.

1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio.

2. Go to Menu > Team Concert > Windows > Team Concert log.

3. Set the Trace level to verbose.

4. Now Reproduce the problem.

5. Once the problem is reproduced, in "Team Concert log window" , click "Save Log Files"

6. You will be prompted to save a RTCNetLogs.zip file in a desired location.

7. Select the desired location and click "Save".

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