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todo.png Improving ROI for your CLM environments

Authors: HariVetsa
Build basis: CLM


Rational Engineering Services (RES) supports three major IBM Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) environments. One for Rational-brand development teams, one behind jazz.net, and another for an Intranet application development team.

There are over 25,000 unique users across these three environments working on over 1,800 projects. These projects hosted in three different data centers consist of 64 different CLM applications and 79 individual servers.

The cost of supporting such large environments is enormous. Since the beginning, RES has been focusing on the cost reduction of hosting a CLM environment. These efforts are in line with delivering value to our organization and to our customers.

This article provides a list of investments, policy decisions and methods RES has undertaken to reduce the cost footprint and improving the overall quality of service. Not all of these items will produce the same benefit to all CLM deployments. Different deployments (within IBM or outside) will provide different benefits based on the deployment characteristics. Therefore, during this article, I will try to stay away from specifics of benefits or cost reduction. I will provide guidance for various considerations to evaluate the benefits for each of them for your own analyses.

List of Topics

1) Separation of database and application layers

2) Standardization of application software

3) Automatic user account provisioning

4) Hosting multiple CLM servers in a single system

5) Adoption of Virtualization technologies (Intel and Power platforms)

6) Geographically distributed support staff

7) Locate CLM projects that are geographically diverse on a CLM server

8) Investment in automation

9) Investment in monitoring

10) Create shortcuts for most commonly used commands

11) Streamline onboarding and off-boarding process.

This article discusses each of the above topics in detail as they apply to our three CLM deployments.

Separation of database and application layers

All three of our CLM deployments separate database and application layers onto different systems. We have a set of systems that host DB2 services exclusively and another set of systems that exclusively host CLM services.

While there is an argument that hosting database services on a remote machine than the CLM system induce a network lag, we have not observed any measurable performance lag in this regard. We recognize that this model may be cost prohibitive for small installations that fit into departmental topology. This model has worked very well for us.

By using this model, we were able to create enterprise policies to manage these systems appropriately. The management and support of these systems is more streamlined by this separation. The fact that the database services are on a remote systems also allowed us to achieve High Availability using DB2 High availability disaster recovery (HADR) feature.

Since some of the software licenses are based on the processing power of the entire host, you may also be able to save on IBM DB2 (or Oracle) and WebSphere licensing costs. This is largely dependent on the licensing model for your environment.

Standardization of application software

For our first Jazz server, as it was known during version 1.0, we hosted our services using Tomcat and DB2 on separate systems. Over a period of time, we started the adoption of WebSphere for our application server. We quickly realized the difficulties in hosting CLM services using a mix of application server software. Our support processes became complicated, because we had to keep track of which server was hosting using Tomcat and which ones were using WebSphere. The application server software determines commands to stop, start, deploy and debug. The log files are also located in different locations. The troubleshooting methods differed vastly.

We quickly standardized all of our servers to WebSphere. Now the install, upgrade and support processes are identical. This benefit would be identical if your choice of application server is Tomcat.

WebSphere also allows us to update the application software independent of the CLM software and map multiple LDAP groups to a single Jazz role (JazzUsers, JazzAdmins etc.).

Automatic user account provisioning

CLM provides a rich set of user management interface. It provides a way to import users from LDAP server and automatically assign licenses. Our CLM installation had additional requirements over and above what is offered by CLM out of the box.

Within enterprises like IBM, corporate governance may require additional handling of the user accounts. For example, we are required to track access of users to individual project areas, assign separate licenses types for users, generate proper reporting of user subscriptions, and control access to different project areas that belong to the same CLM server.

During the initial stages, we could process about 100 users per day per full-time administrator. This is an extremely high cost to manage user access. To reduce the burden, we partnered with Tivoli and their IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (ITIM) product team to create an adapter that provision accounts on CLM servers including custom license assignments and access to individual project areas.

This changed the entire process of user provisioning. We went from a managed process to a self-service process. Today we don’t have any administrators working on user account provisioning. This ITIM CLM adapter is responsible for the creation of up to 20,000 of our 25,000 user accounts. In addition there is no wait time for the user to gain access to the CLM servers. Any user can gain access using the ITIM service immediately once entitlement is complete.

It is easier for us because we already have an ITIM deployment that manages other services in the enterprise. This item may not be suitable for small deployments. More details on this adapter are available at the IBM website: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21396546

Hosting multiple CLM servers in a single system

Please note that this is a slightly different topic than virtualization. Our first deployment was to host a single CLM service process on a single operating system host. This host can be either virtual or physical. Subsequently we realized that this is not the optimal use of the hardware or operating system.

Both Tomcat and WebSphere allow us to run multiple processes on the same operating system as long as the service ports don’t conflict. This will eliminate the overhead of running operating system processing for each of the CLM server, as well as the operating system software licensing costs.

The Rational deployment team never liked the idea of hosting different CLM servers on different ports or being tied to the operating system for any CLM server. In order to maintain independence from the operating system, we allocated a separate IP address to each of the configured CLM servers on any given host. This allows us to migrate the CLM servers from one host to another without causing any inconvenience to end users.

By consolidating many CLM servers on a single host, we were also able to reduce our operating system support personnel resources.

Adoption of Virtualization technologies (Intel and Power platforms)

Most of our current CLM infrastructure was migrated from physical systems to Virtual platforms. The application servers are standardized on an xSeries virtual platform. The database servers use either xSeries or pSeries virtualization. There are still some physical hosts for a variety of reasons that are not related to the reduction of cost.

The benefits of virtualization are common knowledge in the IT industry. The benefits we perceive are dynamic sizing of the hardware resources and leveraging the automatic failover of the virtual images in an event of hardware failures. Virtualization also provided us with a capability to create a new CLM server with full configuration using templates.

We also don’t need to provision full capacity hardware at the inception of the service. We can start with a low capacity configuration and add hardware resources like processors or memory as we grow. If we reach the optimal capacity for a virtual machine configuration, we can migrate CLM server(s) from one host to another using the best practice described in “Hosting multiple CLM servers in a single system” section.

The above are in addition to the benefits our infrastructure maintenance team realizes from virtualizing the hardware.

Geographically distributed support staff

It is a common phenomenon to have development and test teams across the world. This implicitly dictates the need to have the CLM servers to be available around the clock. With continuous delivery practices this need becomes more critical. Our CLM services are assumed to be supported without interruption. In case of any unexpected service interruption, services are expected to be restored with minimal downtime.

Two years into supporting the CLM services, we started leveraging the support from different geographies. This enabled us to provide business hours support during all weekdays, day and night. In essence, we have business coverage of more than 80 hours in any given week. By adjusting the workday shift before and after, we have business hours coverage from 9:00 PM EDT Sunday until 9:00 PM EDT on Friday.

Another big advantage which directly translates to business benefit is that this support model allows us to schedule maintenance activities during any CLM Server’s off hours. For example, if RTC01 server is heavily used by a US team, we can let the China support staff team upgrade the server thereby reducing the business impact to the development and support teams.

By reducing the amount of time our support staff needs to spend off-hours to support, upgrade or maintain different software components we have greatly improved the employee morale and dedication of the support personnel.

Locate CLM projects that are geographically dispersed on a CLM server

If you have multiple CLM servers and a large number of projects, you can assign project areas on these CLM servers in a manner to spread the load on these CLM servers around the clock.

For example, if you host US team projects on RTC01 and all India team projects on RTC02, then entire processing resources allocated to RTC01 will be idle during night-time US hours and vice versa. Instead, you can balance projects that are geographically dispersed across RTC servers which to create a natural load balancer. This spread allows your processing resources to be utilized around the clock.

This method will reduce the amount of hardware resources that needs to be allocated to the entire CLM deployment across the enterprise. Within Rational, we started out this way. Today, we loosely adhere to this principle. The majority of our CLM servers have geographically dispersed projects, but there are some CLM servers that have an affinity to users from specific time zones.

Investment in automation

This is one of our biggest value provider principles. Our approach is to automate any process that is a repeatable activity and technologically possible to automate. Most of our automation is based on scripting languages like Shell, Perl, php.

One example of our automation is the deployment of a CLM software to an existing WebSphere based CLM server. The script takes some input parameters including the location of the new CLM software. It automatically stops the CLM server, installs the new code, runs addTables, deploys the new warfiles and starts the servers. We inform our users ahead of time about the upgrade window. During the upgrade window, we manually invoke the upgrade script. Upon completion of the update, we manually verify the integrity of the upgraded CLM server and send the completion notification to our users. This process has greatly reduced the unavailability of our CLM Servers by reducing the time required to upgrade as well as eliminate mistakes during the upgrade process. As we all know, less downtime and improved quality translates to increased benefit.

Among other things, we have the following tasks automated:

  • Backups of databases and application servers without interrupting the services

  • CLM software upgrades

  • Silent installation and upgrade of WebSphere and DB2 software.

Our collection of automated tasks has been increasing as we get more experienced with CLM hosting. We want the administrators supporting the CLM server to identify the need and solve it using automation. There is no allocation of a separate resource pool for creating automation. Some of these scripts have already been shared with the development team so that they can convert them into a more generic format and deliver them as part of CLM product suite.

Investment in monitoring

If a particular CLM server is not functioning as expected the administrator on call will be notified in less than 15 minutes. Historically the admin response time is no more than 15-30 minutes. Including troubleshooting, problem determination and resolution, the impacted CLM server could be up with in matter of another few minutes. In an extremely favorable situation, like during business hours, the time to detect, react and restore the service has been less than 10 minutes.

We achieved this through aggressive monitoring of our CLM servers.

The current monitoring system is a set of simple Perl scripts that programmatically simulate browser calls, parse the return responses and notify admins using an email to SMS method. The example script is provided on jazz.net article “Monitoring your Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management servers in your environment” at the link: https://jazz.net/library/article/1017.

The overall benefit is for our end users to have as minimal amount of downtime as possible and to provide confidence with regards to the overall availability and stability of the hosted CLM services. This allows them to plan their deliverables with less contingency time factored in.

On the same note, we are close to deploying our next generation monitoring using the IBM Tivoli OMNIbus tool. OMNIbus will provide more tools and features to administrators to reduce the mean time to recovery (MTTR) and be transparent about our application availability status to all our end users.

Create shortcuts for most commonly used commands

Any administrator supporting CLM on WebSphere would know the long commands to stop and start WebSphere. These commands are more complex in our environment because we have multiple instances of WebSphere servers running at any given time.

It takes time to construct these commands and any typographical mistakes will result in delay in execution of those commands. This is especially important when critical CLM services are unavailable.

To help alleviate this we have created short cuts (shell aliases) for many of these commands. For example, to stop RTC01, you can create an alias as below

$ alias stopRTC01="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/stopServer.sh server1 -profileName RTC01 -username=hvetsa@us.ibm.com -password=$1"

Subsequently, you can invoke the command with your password as shown below

$ stopRTC01 <Password>

There is a onetime setup activity to load all your aliases into your shell profile file like .profile or .bash_profile or .cshrc. The above example works in bash shell.

Streamline onboarding and off-boarding processes

We gather a set of important operational information from each of the project teams that want to use our hosted CLM services before the project area is created. This information is pretty basic and listed below:

1) Expected disk storage allocation

2) Expected team size

3) Expected number concurrent users

Based on the above input, we choose which one of our CLM servers is best suited as the location for their project area. Our objective is to find a way to distribute users, storage and load across all CLM servers evenly. We don’t keep track these metrics as much as we should. The work around for us is to let a single person handle the onboarding tasks, so he/she knows the recent history of onboarding and choose where the next project area should be created.

We keep other metrics like repository sizes, active project area count and active user count for each of the CLM servers, to help us identify the location of the next CLM project.


As you may have seen, we leveraged the principles mentioned in this article to maintain an efficient CLM hosting service for our users. All the above methods have helped us in reducing the cost of operation and/or increase the overall quality of the CLM Hosting area.

By no means does the Rational CLM deployment team consider this process complete. We continuously try to push the envelope to create or improve efficiencies. As these efficiencies evolve, we may choose to update our community using an addendum or post another topic.

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions of any future topics or an in depth discussion on any of the above methods, Feel free to contact the author.

Reference Environment Diagrams

The following are the high level application level diagrams for the three environments to which the above methods were applied.


Jazz.net Architecture

Rational Brand CLM Hosting

Jazz.net Architecture

IBM Account

Jazz.net Architecture

About the Author

Hari Vetsa is the architect/team lead responsible for three successful CLM deployments with in IBM with a combined user base of approximately 25,000. He works for Rational Engineering Services, which is responsible for providing Application and Infrastructure services to the Rational Brand. His team also holds the webmaster responsibilities for the https://jazz.net site and has been hosting Jazz Services for Rational and Jazz.net for the last 5 1/2 years. Hari's background is mostly in operations providing database, UNIX and LDAP services.

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Pngpng ROI_IBM_Account.png manage 119.4 K 2013-10-08 - 02:08 Hvetsa IBM Account Architecture
Pngpng ROI_Jazz.net.png manage 76.8 K 2013-10-08 - 14:31 Hvetsa Jazz.net Architecture
Pngpng ROI_Rational_Brand_CLM_Hosting.png manage 128.1 K 2013-10-08 - 14:33 Hvetsa Rational Brand CLM Hosting Architecture
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