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Must Gather to troubleshoot Broken Links in GC enabled Project Areas todo.png

Authors: NatarajanThirumeni
Build basis: ELM (formally known CLM - Collaborative Life-cycle Management) v6.0.6.1 / 6.0.6


This document explains if a broken link issue is reported in Global Configuration (GC) enabled project areas of IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) and IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next (RDNG) then what kind of logs you would have to collect to debug this issue. Please note, this document does not explain where links are stored or details about Link Indexing Service (LDX). This is a high-level guide to explain what kind of logs should be collected to investigate the broken link issues in GC context. Although most of the logs could be collected as a Jazz User we would recommend using a Jazz administrator role user.

Example use case

Troubleshooting broken links in GC enabled project area is complex and this document will explain what kind of logs are needed to debug a broken configuration. The broken links could be classified in several ways, lets us consider the following two use cases:

  • Creating a link from ETM Test Case (TC) to RDNG requirement is expected to establish a link between TC and requirement. In some cases, you'd see a link of TC in RDNG requirement but not in TC (Forward link missing) or vice-versa (Backlink missing).

  • Populating artifacts from a GC baseline into a GC stream. In GC baseline link between Test case and RDNG requirement exist as expected, however, GC stream created out that baseline contains broken links.


Before collecting all the information below, please make sure that LDX is up and running and that the relevant datasource is indexing successfully.

Go to


and check the status is "Up-to-date"

Log Collections : Steps

1. Output of Configuration tree, copy outcome into a text file called GC-ID.txt


GC-ID : is a URL to where configuration exist e.g


2. Local configuration URI of ETM. This can be obtained from the Configuration Management (CM) enabled Project Area where Test Case exist. From the Configuration context menu, hover over Local Configuration name and copy link, e.g


3. GC versioned Test Case URL. From Test Case view, click on "Copy link for this page" and then select Copy OSLC URL. e.g


4. Local configuration URI of RDNG. This can be obtained from the CM enabled Project Area where RDNG Requirement exist, e.g


5. RDNG requirement link that was added to TC. From requirement use "more actions" icon and pick up "Share Link to Artifact" option and then copy the link , e.g


6. ETM TC history PDF. From TC menu, go to History, click on Export History to save TC history.

7. TRS Feed. To download TRS, go to ETM trsConsole. Its important can get the TRS feed as soon as the problem is reported, the feed contains all the orders for the past 7 days.


Click on download, this should download a ZIP of the TRS2 feed (RQM Resources (TRS 2.0)) including all base page(s) and change log page(s)

8. LDX SPARQL query output for Test Case version state in the configuration. To run this query go to LDX query page and run,

prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
prefix oslc_config: <http://open-services.net/ns/config#>
prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>

SELECT ?selected 
   ?selected FILTER regex(str(?selected), "<TC-Item ID>")

Note: <uuid-lc-etm> : this is UUID of the local config, see step 2) <TC-Item ID> : VersionedTestCase Item ID, see step 3)

The query output normally should match the version of the TC you collected in Step 3.

9. In the same LDX query page, you'd need to run RDNG resource SPARQL query against LDX, this query should be scoped to GC where the link exists (eg gcStream1) in LDX. It’s the query that RDNG uses to fetch the links from LDX.

NOTE: must be run without oslc.config context. The correct URL will be: <https:///rm/resources/MB_90d3406c5b60a4ccda60279e63ceaf278>

prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
prefix oslc_config: <http://open-services.net/ns/config#>
prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>

SELECT ?sURL ?linkType ?tURL ?indLinkType 
      VALUES ?linkType {
      VALUES ?tURL {
         <RDNG resource URI>
         ?sURL ?linkType ?tURL.
         BIND( ?linkType as ?indLinkType ) .
         ?indLinkType owl:sameAs ?linkType .
         ?sURL ?indLinkType ?tURL .
      ?reification rdf:subject ?sURL .
      ?reification rdf:predicate ?indLinkType .
      ?reification rdf:object ?tURL .
      ?reification ?property ?release .
      ?release oslc_config:configuration ?config
ORDER BY ?tURL ?linkType ?sURL LIMIT 1000

  • RDNG resource URI - you'd need to substitute requirement URL (See step 5)

10. We'd verify if selections page contain if the state ID of the versioned test case, you can go to selection page

<uuid-lc-qm> : is UUID of the local configuration (see step 2)

11. From LDX get the status page of Skipped Resources for ETM Data Source (links-qm data Source) if any skipped resources are present.

12. From LDX get the status page of Invalid Updates for ETM Data Source (links-qm data Source) if any invalid updates are present.

13. Get ETM logs (qm.log) and LDX log (ldx.log)

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Additional contributors: ZeeshanChoudhry, TadeuszJanasiewicz

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