r21 - 2025-02-06 - 18:21:45 - TimFeeneyYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentAccessControl > DeploymentTechnicalLeadersAndSeniorEditorsNominationProcess

Nominating Deployment wiki technical leaders and senior editors

Authors: TimFeeney, RickRakich
Build Basis: None

The Deployment wiki community encourages IBM customers and IBM Business Partners, as well as members of Rational staff, to nominate deployment experts as potential members of the Deployment wiki technical leaders and senior editors group (TWikiDeploymentAuthorsGroup). Members of this group have full write access to all pages of the Deployment wiki, as described in the Deployment wiki access control policy.

Overview of the nomination process

Nominations to this group will be submitted, reviewed, tracked, and ultimately approved or rejected by using Rational Team Concert work items.

Each nomination will be entered as a single work item and include relevant data about the nominated individual.

A critical aspect of a nomination to this group will be the identification of an IBM Rational Sponsor.

Finally, each nomination must also include a brief justification for the nomination, and include elements such as the individual's deployment background, types of environments supported or deployed, and so on.

Submitting a nomination

To submit a nomination:

  1. Create a work item by using the Technical leader nomination template.
  2. In the Description of the work item, add the requested information.
  3. Add the nominee name and sponsor name to the work item summary where indicated: Technical Leader Nomination - [nominee name] - sponsor: [sponsor name]
    Note: Do not include any other personal or confidential information about the nominee in the work item.
  4. Save the work item.

Nomination approval process

Nominations to the technical leaders and senior editors group will require approval from the identified IBM Rational sponsor and the whole Community technical leaders and senior editors committee. Within two weeks of submitting their nomination, nominees will be contacted to inform them of the decision.

Related topics: Deployment wiki access control Deployment practitioners nomination form

External links:

  • None

Additional contributors: None

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Deployment.DeploymentTechnicalLeadersAndSeniorEditorsNominationProcess moved from Deployment.DeploymentTechnicalLeadersAndSeniorEditorsNominationForm on 2013-05-13 - 10:36 by Main.sbeard -
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