The primary components that involve licensing in IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management are Jazz Team Server (JTS), Engineering Workflow Management (EWM), Engineering Test Management (ETM), and DOORS Next (DN).
New in Licensing for ELM 7.0.3:
ELM 7.0.3 improves security by upgrading the cyphers used in licenses. Older licenses from ELM 7.0.2 and earlier will not work in ELM 7.0.3 and you must obtain new licenses when you install or upgrade to ELM 7.0.3. The names, types, and permissions of ELM 7.0.3 licenses is unchanged from previous ELM 7.x licenses. Request new licenses through the IBM License Key Center or Passport Advantage as you normally would. See IBM Support - Licensing for information on accessing the the License Key Center or Passport Advantage.
For information on licenses and how they relate to roles and products please see the ELM 7.0.3 documentation on Client Access License Management.
For information about purchasing ELM licenses please see the Purchasing section of the ELM 7.0.3 documentation on CAL Management.
Does using the Eclipse client and web client at the same time consume 2 licenses?
A single user with both an Eclipse client and web session would only use a single floating license.
Visit the ELM 7.0.3 documentation on Managing CALs.
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