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Create Oracle data warehouse without DBA permissions

Authors: MichaelAfshar, AlannaZito
Build basis: CLM version 5.x and later

You can create the Oracle data warehouse table spaces without having the DBA permissions. This is achieved by using repository tools command.

Creating data warehouse

Before you begin

Before you create the data warehouse, ensure that Jazz Team Server database is created and configured. Click Test Connection in the wizard to ensure that you can make a connection to your database.

To create the data warehouse do these steps:

1. Start Jazz Team Server and log into https://hostname.example.com:9443/jts/setup.

2. Skip through the steps until the Configure Data Warehouse page and enter the following values:

  • Select Oracle from the Database Vendor list
  • Select JDBC for connection type
  • Enter your JDBC location
  • Enter your JDBC password
  • Enter the database table space folder
3. Click Test Connection and ensure you can make a connection to your database.

4. Select the I do not wish to configure the data warehouse at this time check box and then click Next to go to the next page. This action saves the preferences that you entered to the Jazz Team Server teamserver.properties file.

5. Stop Jazz Team Server.

6. To generate the scripts go to JTS_Install_Dir/server and run the following command. Replace user ID and user password with your etlDbUser user ID and password:

repotools-jts -generateWarehouseDDLScripts additionalOptions="noAdmin;etlDbUser:<user ID>;defaultPsswd:<user password>"
The additionalOptions parameters include:
  • noAdmin (required): Indicates that the generated scripts can be run without DBA privileges.
  • etlDbUser (required): The user ID of the database user that is used to connect to the data warehouse and run the ETL jobs from CLM. This user does not need to already exist in order to generate the scripts and also does not require to have DBA privileges.
  • defaultPsswd (optional): The password to be assigned to all automatically created data warehouse users. This value is optional. However, if a default password is not specified, then individual passwords must be set instead.
  • cfgPsswd (optional): The password to be assigned to the automatically created data warehouse user. This value must be provided if a default password is not specified.
  • calmPsswd (optional): The password to be assigned to the automatically created data warehouse user. This value must be provided if a default password is not specified.
  • dwPsswd (optional): The password to be assigned to the automatically created data warehouse user. This value must be provided if a default password is not specified.
  • odsPsswd (optional): The password to be assigned to the automatically created data warehouse user. This value must be provided if a default password is not specified.
  • trsPsswd (optional, new since 7.0.3): The password to be assigned to the automatically created data warehouse user. This value must be provided if a default password is not specified.
  • assetPsswd (optional, not required in 7.0.3 and later): The password to be assigned to the automatically created data warehouse user. This value must be provided if a default password is not specified.
  • schkPsswd (optional, not required in 7.0.3 and later): The password to be assigned to the automatically created data warehouse user. This value must be provided if a default password is not specified.
The command produces the following script files in the repotools-jts_generateWarehouseDDLScripts.out/oracle directory:
  • 1-setupCoreSpace.sql
  • 2-createCoreSchema.sql
  • 3-grantCoreSchemaReadAccess.sql
  • 4-populateDateDimension.sql
  • 5-setupCalmSpace.sql
  • 6-createCalmSchema.sql
  • 7-grantCalmSchemaReadAccess.sql
  • additionalSteps.sql

Note: If you have more than one Oracle database in your environment, in order for the script to locate the correct database you must create an environment variable called ORACLE_SID and set its value to your database name. For example, SET ORACLE_SID=CLMDB

Note: You might also encounter some error messages about missing RPTUSER. These error messages can safely be ignored.

7. Open SQL Plus and run the following scripts in this order. DBA privileges required:

  • 1-setupCoreSpace.sql
  • 5-setupCalmSpace.sql

8. If the etlDBUser does not already exist, do these steps to create it. DBA privileges required:

  1. Open additionalSteps.sql for editing.
  2. Replace the password with an actual password.
  3. Save and close the additionalSteps.sql file.
  4. Run the additionalSteps.sql script in SQL Plus. The script will create a non-DBA user with the required permissions for running the ETL jobs from CLM.

9. In SQL Plus run these scripts in these order. DBA privileges not required.

  • 2-createCoreSchema.sql
  • 3-grantCoreSchemaReadAccess.sql
  • 4-populateDateDimension.sql
  • 6-createCalmSchema.sql
  • 7-grantCalmSchemaReadAccess

10. Start Jazz Team Server.

11. Return to the jts/setup wizard and on the Configure Data Warehouse page, clear the I do not wish to configure the data warehouse at this time. Ensure that the user in the connection string (JDBC location) is the same as the etlDBUser that was specified when generating the scripts. Test the connection, and complete the set up wizard.

Upgrading data warehouse

Before you begin

Make sure the following conditions are met before starting the data warehouse upgrade:

  • The Jazz Team Server teamserver.properties file has been migrated from the previous version and has the data warehouse connection details.
  • The data warehouse tables have not been upgraded.
  • Note: Do not make any changes to the connection details or to database user privileges before generating the scripts and upgrading the data warehouse. After the upgrade is complete, any required changes can be made.


  1. Go to go to JTS_Install_Dir/server and run the repotools-jts generateWarehouseUpgradeScripts command with the additionalOptions parameter. For information about the additionalOptions parameters, see the section in the beginning of this document.
  2. Optional (If you are upgrading to version 6.0.1, this step is required): DBA privilege is required for this step. If the data warehouse users have not already been unlocked and assigned passwords, run the additionalSteps.sql script to unlock them. Note that the users will already be unlocked if the data warehouse was created using the scripts generated with noAdmin parameter.
  3. DBA privilege is required for this step when upgrading to version 7.0.3 or later for the first time. Otherwise, DBA privilege is not required for this step. Run the following scripts in this order:
    • 1-upgradeCoreSchema.sql
    • 2-populateDateDimension.sql
    • 3-upgradeCalmSchema.sql
    • 4-grantCoreSchemaReadAccess.sql
    • 5-grantCalmSchemaReadAccess
  4. Ensure that the connection string for the data warehouse in Jazz Team Server and the applications references the same etlDBUser that was specified when generating the scripts.

Note: It's possible that some of the sql scripts in the above list may be empty. This is because different things need to be upgraded by the scripts in different versions of the product, all the script files get generated even if there is no content in some of them.

External links:

Additional contributors: RosaNaranjo
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