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Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) V6.0 - Integration Overview

Authors: AmySilberbauer
Build basis: CLM V6.0

The Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) provides integrations across Jazz-based products to connect the work of analysts with development and test teams. Cross-product links support traceability, web-like navigation, review, commenting, and status tracking across project repositories. CLM integrations build on the Jazz™ Foundation to provide a common approach to artifact linking, dashboards, security, and user interface frameworks. CLM integrations provide the following capabilities:

  • Link to existing artifacts across repositories in integrated products; for example, test cases are linked to work items and requirements.
  • Hover over links to quickly check the status of associated work; for example testers can monitor the status of a defect that they reported to the development team.
  • Add a widget to a dashboard to report query results from associated projects; for example, you can display requirements that have not been assigned test plans.
  • Add comments to any artifact in an integrated repository.

Team members can use CLM integrations to achieve business objectives across the application lifecycle, as shown in the following figure and examples:

Figure 1. The Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management connects analysts, developers, and testers


In IBM® Rational® DOORS® Requirements Professional:

  • Requirements are implemented by iteration plans in Rational Team Concert and validated by test plans in Rational Quality Manager.
  • Analysts and other team members develop requirements that drive development work items, test plans and test cases.
In IBM Rational Team Concert:
  • Project managers and development managers use iteration plans to implement Rational DOORS Requirements Professional requirements in the context of a development schedule.
  • Iteration plan stories and other work items implement individual requirements.
  • Developers work on defects that are submitted by testers as a result of test execution.
In IBM Rational Quality Manager:
  • The test team links requirements to test plans and test cases.
  • Testers link test cases to development work items to track development progress.
  • Testers submit defects in Rational Team Concert and verify the status of a defect or a build.

Starting topics

CLM project page on Jazz.net

The Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management is a set of seamlessly integrated tools that work together as one: Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, and IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation.

Collaborative ALM Scenarios

This page is the launching point for exploring the OSLC resources through scenarios. Relationships between resources are defined through scenarios.

Related topics: None

External links:
  • None

Additional contributors: None

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