Clustering has several managed beans for monitoring the overall state of the distributed system. These beans will display no data until (a) Clustering is enabled/deployed and (b) the collection interval has occurred.
This provides information about configured end points with the MessageSight MQTT broker. It has details like total connections, bytes read or written, messages sent/received/lost etc.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=mqttEndpointStatistics
Attribute | Description | Type |
ResetTime | Time at which the statistics for the topic were reset | Date |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
Enabled | Endpoint is enabled? | Boolean |
NodeName | Name of the appliance | String |
TimeStamp | Date and time | Date |
Name | Name of the endpoint | String |
TotalConnections | Total number of connections | Long |
ActiveConnections | Number of currently active connections | Long |
BadConnections | Number of connections that failed to connect since reset | Long |
MsgRead | Number of messages that are read since reset | Long |
MsgWrite | Number of messages that are written since reset | Long |
BytesRead | Number of bytes read since reset | Long |
BytesWrite | Number of bytes written since reset | Long |
LostMessageCount | Number of messages that are lost since reset | Long |
WarnMessageCount | Warn Message Count | Long |
This provides information about the memory characteristics of the MessageSight MQTT broker machine. It includes details like free memory, message payloads etc.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=mqttMemorytatistics
Attribute | Description | Type |
ClientStates | The amount of memory that is being consumed by IBM MessageSight for Client States | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
NodeName | Name of the appliance | String |
TimeStamp | Date and time | Date |
MemoryTotalBytes | The total amount of physical memory on IBM MessageSight | Long |
MemoryFreeBytes | The amount of physical memory that is available | Long |
MemoryFreePercent | The amount of free memory as a percentage of total physical memory on MQTT Broker | Long |
ServerVirtualMemoryBytes | The amount of virtual memory that is being used by IBM MessageSight | Long |
ServerResidentSetBytes | The amount of physical memory that is being used by IBM MessageSight | Long |
MessagePayloads | The amount of memory that is being consumed by IBM MessageSight for message payloads | Long |
PublishSubscribe | The amount of memory that is being consumed by IBM MessageSight for publish/subscribe data structures | Long |
Destinations | The amount of memory that is being consumed by IBM MessageSight for destinations on which messages can be buffered | Long |
CurrentActivity | The amount of memory that is being consumed by IBM MessageSight for current activity | Long |
This provides information about the disk and pool characteristics of the MessageSight MQTT broker machine.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=mqttStoretatistics
Attribute | Description | Type |
*RecordsUsedBytes | Pool Records used memory in bytes | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
NodeName | Name of the appliance | String |
TimeStamp | Date and time | Date |
DiskUsedPercent | Specifies the percentage of disk space that is used | Long |
DiskFreeBytes | Specifies the amount of disk space that is available | Long |
MemoryUsedPercent | Specifies the percentage of persistent memory that is used, and therefore not available | Long |
MemoryTotalBytes | Total memory in bytes | Long |
*TotalBytes | Pool total bytes | Long |
*UsedBytes | Total used bytes by Pool | Long |
*UsedPercent | Memory in Percent used by Pool | Long |
*RecordsLimitBytes | Pool Records limit in bytes | Long |
This provides information about the topics in the MessageSight MQTT broker machine. It includes details like subscriptions, published messages etc.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=mqttTopictatistics
Attribute | Description | Type |
FailedPublishes | The number of publish requests that failed because the message is rejected by one or more subscriptions. | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
NodeName | Name of the appliance | String |
TimeStamp | Date and time | Date |
TopicString | The topic that is being monitored. The topic string always contains a wildcard. | String |
Subscriptions | The number of active subscriptions on the topics that are monitored. The figure shows all active subscriptions that match the wild carded topic string. | Long |
ResetTime | The time at which the statistics for the topic were reset. The ResetTime is usually the time when the topic monitor is created. | Date |
PublishedMsgs | The number of messages that are successfully published to a topic that matches the wildcarded topic string. | Long |
RejectedMsgs | The number of messages that are rejected by one or more subscriptions where the quality of service level did not cause the publish request to fail. | Long |
This facet captures the count of messages received by the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService, facet=Count, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Missing Attributes
This facet captures the frequency of messages received by the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService, facet=Frequency (msg/s), counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the count of reset messages received by the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService, facet=Reset, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the count of messages sent by the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService, facet=Count, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the frequency of messages sent by the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService, facet=Frequency (msg/s), counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the count of reset messages sent by the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService, facet=Reset, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the count of queued messages to be sent by the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService, facet=Queued, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the count of times when the thread pool size to process received messages has maxed out and the queue to hold excess is full.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService, facet=Queue Exhausted, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the count of published messages that got lost and did not make it to the broker.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService Stats, facet=Send Success rate, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the average processing time for handling messages received by the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService Stats, facet=Elapsed time in seconds, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the count of published messages that were successfully delivered to the broker.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService Stats, facet=Send Success rate, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the count of published messages that failed to be delivered to the broker.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService Stats, facet=Send Success rate, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the count of received messages that were processed on the main thread in the Jazz MQTT Service as the service was being deactivated and also when the threadpool and the queue to use for holding tasks before they are executed were exhausted.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService Stats, facet=Send Success rate, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the size of the queue in MQTT service used to hold incoming messages before a background thread becomes available to process them.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService Stats, facet=Arrived Messages Processing, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
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This facet captures the size of the thread pool used to handle the incoming messages by the Jazz MQTT service. The excess messages will be held in queue.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService Stats, facet=Arrived Messages Processing, counterName=*
Attribute![]() |
Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
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This facet captures the count of failed connections to the broker from the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService Client Stats, facet=Failed to connect, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Missing Attributes
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This facet captures the count of lost connections to the broker from the Jazz MQTT service.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=MqttService Client Stats, facet=Connection lost, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Missing Attributes
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Facet reports the size of the object used as a map Key.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Distributed Maps and Values Sizes, facet=Key Size, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This facet reports the size of the data help in the map.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Distributed Maps and Values Sizes, facet=Added Value Size, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This facet reports the number of elements in the map.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Distributed Maps and Values Sizes, facet=Number of Elements in Map, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This facet reports the size of data (in KB) transferred between persistence layer and distributed maps in memory.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Distributed Persistence Layer, facet=Bytes transferred (in kb), counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This facet reports the times it takes for the data transfers to and from the persistence layer.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Cluster Metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, Distributed Persistence Layer, facet=Elapsed time (in ms), counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
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