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Impact of project membership on performanacetodo.png

Authors: VaughnRokosz
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In the CLM 6.0.1 release, the number of users added explicitly as members of a project area can degrade performance. This effect is most noticeable in Rational Quality Manager and Rational Team Concert, and can have an impact as the number of project area members grows beyond 1000. In this article, I'll discuss the impact that project area membership has on performance, and describe some options that you have to reduce this impact. I'll also highlight performance improvements available starting in the 6.0.1 ifix stream, and additional improvements available in the 6.0.4 release.


In Jazz releases prior to 6.0.1 ifix9, performance is impacted by project and team area membership. The following factors impact performance:

  • The number of users added as members to a project area
  • The number of users added as members to a team area
  • The number of team areas. This is a factor because the code that checks whether a user has permission to execute an operation iterates through the team areas. The combination of a large number of team areas with large membership magnifies the performance impact.
  • The number of roles

Under light load, the main symptom of degradation is an increase in response times. Operations that take less than a second in a project area with few members can take several seconds or more as the mermbership increases past 1000 users. Under heavier load, you can see much higher CPU utilization, with the server potentially reaching 100% CPU at low levels of concurrency. If the system is at 100% CPU usage for sustained periods, the response times degrade significantly; the system is effectively overloaded.

For additional details, please refer to the attached PDF.

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Pdfpdf Membership.pdf manage 182.5 K 2017-05-06 - 18:16 VaughnRokosz  
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