Please note, as of release 7.0.3 this page is deprecated. Please book mark ELM API Landing Page for future updates.
This is a landing page for the various API wiki pages that exist on the development wiki as well as a central collective page of the known APIs that are available for integrating programmatically with our CE/ELM products. It serves as a convenience for accessing API information about CE/ELM products and is not guaranteed to have up-to-the-minute information. See the official API specifications for each CE/ELM component for complete information.
Please see the
IBM Support Statement for ELM APIs. APIs are supported differently than ELM products.
IBM strongly advises that any scripts that customers develop using APIs be tested in a staging environment prior to use in a production environment. Scripts can have unintended performance or other consequences and thus should be highly scrutinized prior to deployment on production systems.
API Automation Best Practices
NOTE: Renaming the IBM Continuous Engineering Portfolio
General OSLC and CLM API information
OSLC Workshop
Guide for writing OSLC integrations
OSLC and REST API "cheat sheet"
ELM-CLM Root Services Specification
OSLC GitHub repository
Eclipse Lyo is an improved Java framework with sample libraries and reference implementations for creating OSLC integrations
IoT Connector is a working sample of an OSLC adapter for IBM Watson
IoT Platform created using Lyo Designer. It's a working example and source code for integrating with ELM and includes common operations such as authenticating with ELM using OAuth. It works with non-configuration management-enabled CLM systems (aka "opt-out" DNG and RQM).
Jazz Foundation
Foundation APIs are available in ELM applications that support those Foundation services.
Jazz REST Services home
Jazz Foundation Process API
JAF SDK Main Page
Jazz Foundation SDK download page
Authentication of a native client with a Jazz-based application
Fetch User Profile
Global Configuration Management
GCM is a provider of global configurations as defined by the OSLC Configuration Management draft specification; EWM SCM, Doors Next, and ETM are providers of local configurations. These applications implement the appropriate APIs from that specification.
Drafts of the OSLC Configuration Management Specification can be found on the
OSLC Specifications page.
Global Configuration Management REST API - Documents extensions beyond the OSLC specification for the current release. The same release-specific documentation of these REST APIs can be found in your local ELM installation at
GCM Client Extension API
DOORS Next Generation
Global Configuration Management REST API
Documentation for the Global Configuration Management REST API can be found at
https://[server]:[port]/gc/doc/scenarios. You must have the GC application installed to access this link.
This API is a collection of REST services that client applications use to create and update components, create new streams, create baselines, update a stream to match a baseline, and other operations. REST client applications can use the API to programmatically perform many of the operations that are usually done through the GCM web user interface. See
RM Enhancement 384433.
RM as an OSLC service provider
Using OSLC capabilities in the Requirements Management application
DNG Server API Documentation
DNG Client Extension API
DNG Module API
DNG Reportable REST API - v6.0 or higher
RRC Reportable REST API - v4.0.x thru v5.0.2
Extending requirements functionality (video)
RM Extensions Examples version 6.0.5
ReqIF API v1.0 New for
Readiness REST API - v7.0.2 or higher
Engineering Workflow Management (EWM)
Resource Oriented Work Item API
What APIs are available for RTC and what can you extend?
6.0.1: OSLC API Changes for Enumerations
RTC SDK changes for RTC 6.0.3
RTC Plain Java APIs
Consuming Rational Team Concert’s OSLC Change Management V2 Services
Resource Oriented Work Item API
Programmatic Link Creation and new link type contribution
Programmatic Link Creation and new link type contribution
Programmatic Workitem Creation
Extension Points and Operation ID’s
Rational Team Concert plain Java API’s Article
SCM Participant for Integrating Rational Team Concert with an Activity Stream Service
Source control process recipes for Rational Team Concert – Source Control Operations with Preconditions
Rational Team Concert – Creating Custom Operation Advisors
Consuming Rational Team Concert’s OSLC Change Management V2 Services
RTC Automation OSLC Prototype
Work Items Service provider for OSLC 2.0 CM Specification
Reportable REST API
How consume Jazz Reportable REST API programmatically using Java
Rational Team Concert Extensions Workshop
Rhapsody Model Manager
Reportable REST API for RMM
Engineering Test Management (ETM)
RQM Test Automation Adapter API
RQM Reportable REST API
Readiness REST API
A look inside LQE and Report Builder
Integrating external data sources with LQE and Report Builder
RTC Reportable REST API
RQM Reportable REST API
DNG Reportable REST API
Plain Java Client or Jazz APIs
The "official" Jazz API is available for download on the downloads page, in the Plain Zips section, under Plain Java Client Libraries and Plain Java Client Libraries API Documentation. The article
Rational Team Concert plain Java API's is an introduction into how they work. Customers wishing to write process extensions for their Jazz implementation should begin with the
EWM/RTC extensions workshop, the
Process enactment workshop, and the
OSLC workshop. This will help them better understand the various different options for extending and enhancing the Jazz solution, and will provide valuable insight into how to implement the needed customizations.
External links: