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external user data for RRDI reporting

Milan Krivic (98012176142) | asked Jan 22 '13, 4:52 a.m.

I was wondering, beside the FULL NAME, USERID and EMAIL, are there any other attributes for RTC user which are being retrieved from external registry, for example Microsoft AD, and stored in DW?
In DW database, I found out RIODS.RESOURCE table which has some fields indicating City and Organization.
My question is:
From where  these  fields in this table are being filled?
Because, we build some report and we would like to have an organization or department name for that user where he belongs to.
If these data are empty all time, I could use it for stuff like this.

Thanks, and regards,

Accepted answer

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Junli Wang (5512) | answered Jan 22 '13, 9:22 p.m.
the DW database is a common data warehouse, not only for RTC, but tools cross software development lifecycle.
RIODS.RESOURCE could store data from various sources, eg. RTC is one via RRDI, Microsoft Project is another one could provide more resource management capability via Rational Insight(a product based on RRDI has more customization capability).
So Yes, users from RTC will not use columns like City and Organization, you may use fill them from your own data.
Milan Krivic selected this answer as the correct answer

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