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Problem with regular expression on string validator (URGENT pls)

Claudia Callegari (44449871) | asked Jan 10 '13, 3:51 p.m.
I have a string attribute to simulate a floating type (unfortunately, not using 4.0.1 yet).

I have a string custom attribute, and now trying to add a validation using a regular expression.
This field has to contain a number in the 0-100 range, without decimals, or if decimals, up to tenth (up to 2 decimals only).

My expression is:
although I also tried

which works fine in the sample text box, but within a workitem (either Eclipse or Web), the behavior is not the same, and it does not accept numbers with decimals.
What am I doing wrong?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Filip Wieladek (30413) | answered Jan 14 '13, 12:38 p.m.
Claudia Callegari selected this answer as the correct answer

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