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How we can search other project area work items using full text search(Quick Search) in RTC

Pallavi Deore (38150) | asked Sep 18 '19, 8:11 a.m.

Hello Everyone,

I am using CLM 6.0.6.
I want to search workitems of project area B in Project area A using full text search instead of searching with work item id.
How we can do full text search for work item of other project area instead of using work item id.

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Adam Wereszczynski (92811932) | answered Sep 18 '19, 8:25 a.m.

Hello Pallavi,

The RTC Eclipse client has a feature called "Jazz Text Search", which find results of text searches across the entire repository.

Pallavi Deore commented Sep 19 '19, 1:47 a.m.

Hello Adam,

Thanks for the reply.
Do we have similar options available in RTC web client to search work items of other project area.

Adam Wereszczynski commented Sep 19 '19, 8:28 a.m.

Hi Pallavi,

No, in RTC Web UI you can only search in the currently viewed project.

Perhaps Report Builder will fit your needs? It allows creating reports for multiple projects at the same time.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Sep 19 '19, 8:48 a.m.

Note that you also have querying capabilities across multiple project areas in the "My Stuff" page.

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