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Is it possible to populate a multi-select list with a script based value set?

Andrew Trobec (49713144139) | asked Nov 08 '12, 9:25 a.m.
retagged Nov 08 '12, 7:59 p.m. by Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431)

I am working with RTC

I have a string attribute that is associated through a work item presentation with a multi-select list.  If I already have an enumeration, I can use it within the multi-select list to enable a user to select multiple values.

Since I would like to make this multi-select list more dynamic, I wrote a script that, based on the value of another attribute, provides a certain set of values.  When I associated this script to either an enumeration based attribute I can overwrite the enumeration values with the scripted list.  When I associate this script to a string attribute and make it a muli-select list in the presentation, the values remain blank.

Is it possible to populate a multi-select list with a script based value set?

Thank you and best regards,


Accepted answer

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Gabriel Enriquez (3463) | answered Nov 12 '12, 9:18 p.m.
Hi Andrew,

Unfortunately this is not supported with your current version.

"String List" attribute type, introduced in RTC 4.0,  supports this capability.
Andrew Trobec selected this answer as the correct answer

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