How to delet Process Template bind to Process Area

My work enviroment:
Jazz 4.0.3
Eclipse Client 4.0.3
I try to clean up the Process Templates in our productive environment since we have to many copies of our main process template.
1st Step was deleting all Process Templates which are not connected to any Project Area.
2nd Step was set all related Project Areas to one standardised Process Template, following the guide provided in RTC 4.0.3 Migrating a project to a different process template
3rd Step Trying to delete the not longer connected Process Template --> Error "Deleting process definitions encountered problems"
My question is: Why is it not possible to delete the old template even though I've migrated the process templates?
Thanks for your answer.
Kind Regards
My work enviroment:
Jazz 4.0.3
Eclipse Client 4.0.3
I try to clean up the Process Templates in our productive environment since we have to many copies of our main process template.
1st Step was deleting all Process Templates which are not connected to any Project Area.
2nd Step was set all related Project Areas to one standardised Process Template, following the guide provided in RTC 4.0.3 Migrating a project to a different process template
3rd Step Trying to delete the not longer connected Process Template --> Error "Deleting process definitions encountered problems"
My question is: Why is it not possible to delete the old template even though I've migrated the process templates?
Thanks for your answer.
Kind Regards
Accepted answer

Hi Marco,
I do not believe that the steps to migrate template from one to another disconnect the project from the template that it's created from.
There is the following Plan item for a feature to allow deleting process templates
==> [JAF] [Process] Allow to archive process templates in the UI (45851)

Hi guys,
thanks for the answer.
Why is the project are still bound to the process template? Is it a binding with database or what is the precise problem?
Greetings Marco

Yes, a reference to the process template that was used to initialize a project area is stored in the database. Modifying the process guidance XML does not currently change that association.
One other answer

Hi Marco,
Which process template is used by the Project Area "Einfacher_Teamprozess_test" ? It seems that this one has not been changed to a default template.
If in fact it is using a template different from the one you try to delete then perhaps there is inheritance from the one template used to the one you try to delete ?
Which process template is used by the Project Area "Einfacher_Teamprozess_test" ? It seems that this one has not been changed to a default template.
If in fact it is using a template different from the one you try to delete then perhaps there is inheritance from the one template used to the one you try to delete ?