CLM 4.0.1: How to customize which default work items to be created for a new user?

1. How may I customize a (CCM) project area so that some specific work items are automatically created for a new user when the user is newly added to the project area? For instance, I may like to remove the work item creation for setting up "Sametime" since we don't use "Sametime".
2. How may I customize the invitation email for a new user in a project area?
Thanks and regard
2 answers

Found it...
Process Configuration --> Team Configuration --> Operation Behavior --> Process --> Generate Team Invitation
We can go from here to customize
The information center should have a special topic for this. At least I did not find one yet.

1. I believe that you can customize the set of work items that are created when you add a user to the project area by using the Create Invitation Work Items follow-up action. In the Eclipse client, click the Process Configuration tab of the project area, then expand Team Configuration > Operation Behavior. In the grid, select the Generate Team Invitation cell for the role or roles. Then add the Create Invitation Work Items follow-up action. Click New Template to specify the type and content of the work items that you want to create.
2. For details on customizing the team invitation Email message, see this help topic: Specifying team invitation content in a template.
2. For details on customizing the team invitation Email message, see this help topic: Specifying team invitation content in a template.
Sterling Ferguson-II
Jan 08 '13, 9:00 a.m.This is actually a really good question!